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IIA team receives CEWIL's 2024 Albert S. Barber Award

July 03, 2024

UVic Co-op and Career's International, Indigenous and Accessibility (IIA) team has been selected as the recipient of the 2024  from Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada). 

The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of the philosophy and practice of Co-operative Education in Canada. 

The IIA team works towards a common strategic goal: to remove barriers to WIL for students of under-served and underrepresented communities and to provide inclusive and culturally relevant experiences that support students’ career development and wellbeing.

The team includes:

  • Associate Director Karima Ramji brings her certification in Cultural Intelligence (CQ) to her role as she provides strategic oversight to the team. She uses her partnership development skills to develop exchange partnerships with institutions globally, and aligns the team's program outcomes and curricular content with and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Karima recently developed a unique partnership with CIFAL Victoria where students who receive funding contribute to community engagement initiatives that address the UN SDGs, and earn a United Nations certificate for this work. She also worked closely with Renée Livernoche, LE,NONET Experiential Learning Coordinator, and Juliana Nielsen, then a project coordinator co-op student, on the development of the , which is actively used by WIL practitioners globally. She is currently  engaged in a subsequent research project to explore Indigenous Community Engagement in WIL.
  • International Co-op Coordinator Sarah McQuillan supports students who take part in international work terms. Also an advanced CQ facilitator, Sarah designs and delivers a CQ based curriculum that supports students going abroad and international students as they strive to succeed in their Canadian job search. Sarah works closely with international partners to facilitate a wide range of formal exchanges and initiatives. In 2024, she partnered with UVic’s International Centre for Students to coordinate a showcase of students’ international WIL experiences through the StoryMap project, an online storytelling tool where students create interactive content that combines maps, multimedia and text. This initiative helps other students learn about international WIL opportunities.
  • Indigenous Co-op Coordinator David Busch supports Indigenous students to gain culturally relevant co-op experiences in their home communities and abroad through UVic’s Indigenous International WIL Exchange program. He also works closely with Indigenous communities to provide students with culturally relevant work experiences. He holds regular drop-ins and connection opportunities for Indigenous students and coordinates a bi-annual Career Fair and Mock Interview Clinic for Indigenous students, where students have the opportunity to engage with employers who are committed to inclusive and decolonized hiring practices. In partnership with Renée Livernoche, LE,NOṈET Experiential Learning Coordinator, David hosts a breakfast at the First Peoples House once a term for all co-op staff as a way to build capacity among staff to engage meaningfully and in a culturally appropriate way with Indigenous students and employers wishing to hire them. 
  • Accessibility Co-op Coordinator Niels Melis-de Lamper supports students who identify as having a disability and/or mental health challenge find meaningful and paid work experience through WIL. This includes the development of curricular content to support advocacy and allyship around EDI. Niels also develops curriculum, workshops and programming that supports staff, students and employers to navigate challenges such as self-identification, accommodation and more.
  • IIA Co-op Assistant Amelia De-Graff Castro supports the team in an administrative capacity, providing crucial support to the team’s operational and research agenda.

Co-op and Career's IIA team is specifically dedicated to expanding equity, diversity inclusion and access for all students and supports UVic's commitment to developing graduates who excel in their chosen careers and make a vital impact on their communities. 

From an increased focus on access, inclusion, equity, diversity, decolonization and responding to the TRC’s Calls to action, to aligning the way forward with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, UVic Co-op & Career is adjusting their programming as well as their staffing and curricular foci to make a real difference.