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Book an appointment

Please note: All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment. To register, call the Student Wellness Centre at 250-721-8563 or come in person.

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment to meet with a counsellor, nurse, physician or spiritual care provider at Student Wellness.

Not sure what type of appointment you need? We can help you figure it out. Call to us to book a wellness consultation. 

All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment.  To register, call the Student Wellness Centre or come in person.

Online booking requests are available to students who have either registered with, or have been seen at Student Wellness Health Services previously. Appointments are offered to currently registered UVic Students only (Undergraduate & Graduate courses). We book virtual/video or phone appointments for students who are inside British Columbia only, as our practitioners are licenced in BC only.

Current students

UVic students currently enrolled in a degree program are eligible to access services from Student Wellness. This Eligibility Guideline applies to eligible students seeking clinical services offered by Student Wellness, including but not limited to clinical counseling, clinical health, multifaith, health promotion, and other wellness related programs. If your enrolment status changes during the term, please contact us to discuss your support options.  

Pre-booked appointments are booked online and are available for non-urgent concerns and ongoing care. If you have a family doctor, we recommend contacting them first as we have limited capacity at Student Wellness.

We open our pre-booked appointment availability 4-6 weeks in advance. If you navigate to the online booking platform and you do not see any pre-booked appointments available, it means we are full for the upcoming 4-6 week period.

To book your appointment online, follow these instructions then click here to book your appointment online.

Cervix screening kits can be ordered

Please note: All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment.  To register, call the Student Wellness Centre or come in person.

If you require non-urgent medical care, please book a pre-booked appointment or seek off-campus support.

Same-day appointments are booked online and are available on a limited basis daily for semi-urgent and acute concerns only.  Same day appointments are available each day Monday – Friday beginning at 8:00am. We are closed on weekends and statutory holidays.

To book your appointment online, follow these instructions then click here to book your appointment online.

If you navigate to the online booking platform and do not see any same day appointments available, it means we are full for the day.

Please note: All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment.  To register, call the Student Wellness Centre or come in person.

If you require non-urgent medical care, please book a pre-booked appointment or seek off-campus support.

Follow-up appointments are booked online and are available for students previously seen at SW for on-going management of a condition as indicated by a SW physician.

To book your appointment online, follow these instructions then click here to book your appointment online.

If you navigate to the online booking platform and do not see any same day appointments available, it means we are full for the day.

Please note: All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment.  To register, call the Student Wellness Centre or come in person.

If you require non-urgent medical care, please book a pre-booked appointment or seek off-campus support.

Prescription refill appointments are booked online and are available on limited basis daily for students who need a prescription refilled and fit the following criteria:

  • You have received the prescription from a Student Wellness physician before.
  • You have been taking this prescription for more than 6 months.
  • Your prescription does not need any changes.
  • No more than 2 prescriptions to refill per appointment

You must include the name(s) of the prescriptions you need refilled.  Failure to include the prescription names will result in your online appointment request being declined. Please note that in many cases   Please speak to your pharmacist.

To book your appointment online, follow these instructions then click here to book your appointment online.

If you navigate to the online booking platform and do not see any prescription refill appointments available, it means we are full for the day.

Please note: All students must be registered with Student Wellness Health Services before booking an online appointment.  To register, call the Student Wellness Centre or come in person.

If you require non-urgent medical care, please book a pre-booked appointment or seek off-campus support.

If your concern is listed below, please call us at 250-721-8563 or come in-person to the Health and Wellness Building to book an appointment.

  • Any form(s), letter(s) or supporting documentation
  • IUD insertion and removal
  • Gender affirming care
  • Mental health concern(s)
  • Eating Disorders
  • ADHD

If you're unsure where to start, or what type of care you need, you can book a consultation with a counsellor or nurse.

A wellness consultation involves an initial 30-45 minute meeting with a counsellor or a nurse. The counsellor or nurse will gather some background history, discuss your goals and work collaboratively to connect you with the service that fits your needs.

After completing a wellness consultation, your provider may refer you to a specific service or provider within or outside of Student Wellness. This could include a counsellor, nurse, physician, specialist referral, spiritual care provider, Indigenous counsellor or other resource.

You can expect to wait between 2-4 weeks for pre-booked appointments as wait times vary depending on the time of year. A limited number of same-day appointments are also available each day. Same-day appointments are offered on a first-come first-serve basis beginning at 8:30am.

To book an appointment, call 250-721-8563 or book in person.

Students can call or come in person to pre-book Single Sessions. You can expect to wait between 2-4 weeks for pre-booked appointments as wait times vary depending on the time of year. A limited number of same-day appointments are also available each day. Same-day appointments are offered on a first-come first-serve basis beginning at 8:30am.

To book an appointment, call 250-721-8563 or book in person.

Single Sessions do not have session limits. However, due to our limited capacity to provide counselling for all UVic students, we may ask you to wait at least two weeks before requesting another appointment.

Attended a Wellness Consultation or Single Session counselling session and looking for more support?

If our counselling services are a good fit for you, our counselling practitioners can schedule a follow-up counselling appointment with one of our clinical counselling team members at the end of your Wellness Consultation or Single Session appointments.

Follow-up counselling appointments are accessed through Wellness Consultations or One-at-a-time appointments. If you have already attended a Wellness Consultation or a One-at-a-time counselling session during the current term, you can call 250-721-8563 or come in person to book a follow-up counselling appointment with one of our counselling practitioners.

If you are already connected with a counsellor for follow-up counselling, you can contact them directly for rebooking. Sessions are rebooked one at a time.

Students who self-identify as Indigenous have the option of booking counselling appointments with an Indigenous Counsellor. Learn more about Indigenous counselling.

Law students have the option of booking counselling appointments with Christina Friesen who is the designated Counsellor for Faculty of Law Students. Christina is based out of the Fraser Building and offers individual counselling services to any law students looking for support.  Learn more about counselling for law students.

We’re a culturally diverse and multifaith community. Our spiritual care providers are appointed by local faith communities. 

Our team includes Anglican, Bahà'í, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian Science, Hindu, Jewish, Lutheran, Muslim, Presbyterian, Unitarian and United representatives. Meet the spiritual care providers.

Students can connect one-on-one with a spiritual care provider. Please call us at 250-721-8338 or email us to book an appointment.

Click here for our hours and location information.

With a doctor or nurse

For your first appointment, make sure you bring:

  • your BC Services Care Card or other provincial health care card if you have one
  • guard.me insurance e-card for international students if you have it
  • your OneCard
  • your vaccination history if you have it
  • any other relevant medical documents

With a counsellor

Before you come to your first appointment, spend some time thinking about your goals and what you would like to work on in the session. It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to work on. Your counsellor can help you figure it out. Read more about what to expect in your appointment here.

Sample goals:

  • learn new ways to cope with anxiety
  • improve my communication in dating relationships
  • explore meaningful career paths

With a spiritual care provider

Before you come to your first appointment, spend some time thinking about what you would like to talk about . Your spiritual care provider can help guide the conversation if you're not sure where to start.

Sample areas of conversation:

  • achieving meaning and purpose in life
  • achieving a sense of belonging
  • managing feelings of grief/loss
  • missing family and friends

When you arrive you’ll be greeted by our friendly and knowledgeable Student Welcome Team. They can answer any questions you might have.

Our intake forms have space for you to let us know your name, pronouns and gender identity. Our team will use the name and pronouns you provide. Offering this information is always your choice.

Your appointments with our counsellors, doctors and nurses and spiritual care providers will be private and confidential.

To cancel an appointment, please email us.

No shows and late cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice may be subject to a fee.

Click here for resources for urgent help.