
Honours Program

The Geography Honours Program offers fourth year undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake a concentrated course of studies related specifically to their interests.

Contact Information

Role Name Email Phone
Honours Advisor Cameron Owens 250-721-7330
Honours Program Assistant Karen Bujan geography@uvic.ca 250-721-7327

Information for prospective students

Undergraduate students considering future graduate work will find that the Honours Program provides them with certain advantages in comparison with a Major degree program. The formulation of an Honours Thesis, with its associated skills development (e.g., literature review, field work, data collection, analysis, interpretation, writing and oral examination), affords invaluable research experience. Entry into many graduate schools is facilitated by completion of an Honours Program, which may also provide some advantages when competing for jobs.

Besides catering to prospective graduate students, the Honours Program also provides an intellectually stimulating and satisfying program for any undergraduate who wishes to pursue a unique opportunity to develop their in-depth knowledge of specific areas within geography. 

The Honours Program is undertaken over two consecutive terms and runs September to April of your final year. The program includes an integrative seminar throughout that models a supportive and collegial academic community-building experience for students, similar to graduate school or the professional world. Entries to the program in January and May are not recommended but can be approved in exceptional circumstances by the Honours Advisor in consultation with the Honours Supervisor.

It is strongly suggested that you secure your Honours Supervisor and submit the application form at the end of the Spring term prior to commencing the program. While the final deadline for paperwork is in the fall, in reality it is important to secure a Supervisor before leaving for the summer, since supervisors get many requests, you may not get your first choice, ethics approvals take time, and you will want to be ready to get started on your research right away.  

Students may opt to collect data and/or secure approval for ethics applications (if applicable) in the summer prior to commencing the program in consultation with their supervisor, in order to assist with the planning of the research project.

Program Eligibility

To be eligible for the Honours program, students must:

  • have achieved a minimum average of 6.0 (B+) for upper year courses. To calculate this average, only 300 and 400 level courses will be considered.
  • have completed a minimum of 12 units (8 courses of 1.5 units) of 300 or 400 level courses, of which 9 units (6 courses of 1.5 units) or more must be in Geography.
  • be eligible for fourth year standing (42 units completed).

Please note that students must complete the all program requirements for the BA Major or the BSc Major Program in addition to GEOG 499A and GEOG 499B in order to graduate with an Honours degree. A GPA of 6.0 (B+) must be maintained in all 300 and 400 level courses.

Application Deadlines

Activity Deadline
Secure a supervisor May 31 (suggested)
Final paperwork for September entry September 10

Steps for Applying

  1. Read through the Honours Program Guidelines.
  2. Secure a supervisor. Your supervisor can be a faculty member or and adjunct faculty member.
  3. Work with your supervisor to fill out the Honours Program Application Form. You will also need to contact the Honours Advisor to secure their signature.
  4. Send the completed Honours Program Application Form with signatures to geography@uvic.ca (or bring a hard copy to the main office in DTB B203).

If you have any questions during this process, please contact the Honours Advisor.