
Sustainable Cities Field School

Belize 2025 poster

When and Where

2025 Field School: May 5th - June 8th

Places visited: Norway - Bergen, Oslo; Sweden - Stockholm; Denmark - Copenhagen and Germany – Lübeck, Hamburg, Münster, Freiburg

How to Apply

Apply here before the deadline: Thursday, Nov 28 at 4:00pm.

Contact geography@uvic.ca if you have any questions.

Program Overview

For more information, see the Information Sheet.

TThe Europe Sustainability Field School provides unique experiential education opportunities for UVic students. This travel-study program focuses on the cutting-edge sustainability efforts of cities in Northern Europe.  



  • Students should have completed their first year of study and be able to register in 300-level Geography courses, or be granted special permission from the field school instructor.
  • Must be a UVic student. Non-Geography students are invited to apply.
  • Priority will be given to students with interest in the subject matter - sustainable community development.

If you have any further questions, please email Cam Owens at camo@uvic.ca.



1. Geog 388 - Regional Studies: Europe 

2. Geog 317 - Field Studies in Sustainable Communities

Field School Fees

For field schools, students pay regular UVic tuition plus field school fees.

Field school fees can be paid by cheque, money order, counter cheque, or cash ONLY. Cheques should be made payable to the 番茄社区.  Payment can be dropped off at the Geography main office (David Turpin Building, room B203) or mailed (cheques only).


Field school fees*:

The field school program fee is $4250

  • $1000 deposit paid at time of application (due Thurs,Nov 28th, 2024)
  • $3250 paid by Thurs, Feb 27th, 2025

*All field school fees are subject to change between offerings.


Field School fees include:    

  • All accommodations during the travel study part of the field program
  • Breakfasts
  • Activity costs (entry admissions, guided tour and workshop fees, presenters’ fees)
  • Ground transportation (e.g. train, local transit, ferry, bike rentals)
  • Emergency contingency fund

Field School fees does not include:

  • Tuition (paid separately to the registrar)
  • Airfare (to allow students flexibility in terms of travel plans)
  • Other expenses: e.g. meals (apart from breakfast), Noventertainment, travel insurance (if you need coverage beyond your UVSS plan)

Financial Support:

The Faculty of Social Sciences has provided a grant to subsidize your costs. Students are encouraged to explore other funding opportunities for example at the Undergraduate Scholarships & Funding page: /undergraduate/finances/scholarships-funding/index.php

You may find other funding opportunities through UVic International.