
Information for students

UVic only interrupts regular operations under exceptional circumstances. We make every effort to remain open during snow and other disrupting weather.

As a general rule, campus remains open if BC Transit buses are travelling to and from the university.

Monitor uvic.ca,  and  for up-to-date information about how weather conditions are affecting campus operations and the exam schedule. We will use UVic Alerts (text message, email, UVic SafetyApp push notification) to notify the campus community if a delayed opening or campus closure is required.


During a campus closure, UVic instructors have the option of cancelling, rescheduling or moving their class online. Instructors are responsible for communicating with their students about their plans regarding classes during the closure. For exams, UVic follows the exam cancellation policy.


Online exams will continue as scheduled.

For face-to-face exams, you are responsible to make every effort to arrive on campus before your scheduled exam times.

During extreme weather, make sure you take extra time when travelling to campus. Road conditions can delay traffic and buses may not run on schedule.

Sometimes extreme weather conditions may result in a campus closure. In that case:

  • For face-to-face mid-term exams and assignments, the instructor may consider rescheduling the in-person exam or make other arrangements. Your instructor will let you know.
  • During the final exam period, the instructor may reschedule face-to-face exams or make alternate arrangements for evaluating the course. Contact your instructor for information.

Frequently asked questions

Academics, exams and mid-terms

I'm trying to reach my instructor to let them know I can’t make it to my face-to-face class. They aren't getting back to me. Is there anyone else I can call?

Try calling the department offering the course, or emailing the instructor.

My face-to-face exam was cancelled and it can’t be rescheduled. What do I do?

Contact your instructor or the department offering the course.

UVic is officially open, but my instructor has cancelled my class/exam. Who should I tell?

If you are concerned that your class has been cancelled, please contact the department offering the course.

I have an on-campus exam scheduled for today. How do I know if it will still go ahead?

Check uvic.ca for any messages about campus closure and cancellation of face-to-face exams. Online exams will continue as scheduled.

If you need more information about your on-campus exam, contact your instructor or the department offering the course.

I have a face-to-face mid-term/exam scheduled tomorrow. How will I know if it will still go ahead and when?

Check the UVic website (uvic.ca) in the morning. We'll make an announcement as early as possible.

I could not attend a face-to-face mid-term/exam due to adverse weather. What do I do?

Contact your instructor or the department offering the course immediately.

My face-to-face exam/test is scheduled through the Centre for Accessible Learning. How is this impacted by a closure?

The Centre for Accessible Learning will close if the campus closes.

My face-to-face class/exam is scheduled for after or during the closure. What do I do?

In the event of an extreme weather event the university will follow the exam cancellation policy.

For mid-term exams and assignments, your instructor may consider rescheduling the exam or make alternate arrangements. They will let you know what arrangements will be made.

During the final exam period, your instructor may reschedule the examination or make alternate arrangements for evaluating the course. Contact them for information and instructions.

UVic has officially cancelled on-campus activities due to adverse weather, but my instructor wants to continue the on-campus class/exam. What can I do?

We ask instructors to wind down their on-campus teaching or other activities. They can let their students leave once the campus closure announcement has been made.

I have an assignment due, presentation, etc. for a scheduled on-campus class that will be impacted by the closure. What should I do?

Contact your instructor or the department offering the course immediately.

What is the university policy/regulation regarding cancelled on-campus exams due to a university closure?

In the event of an extreme weather event the university will follow the exam cancellation policy.

Services and buildings during campus closure

What services will stay open if there's a closure?

Services necessary for the continued operation and safety of the campus will be staffed. These include:

  • Campus Security (including Safe Walk)
  • Residence Services (CLs, NMs)
  • The Cove

Other public services on campus are closed.

What time will buildings be closed?

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), buildings with designated study areas will close. When campus closure is announced before the start of the business day classroom buildings and study rooms will not be opened.

The Cove will be open. Check the doors to the building for any posted change in hours.

Residence Services Community Leaders (CLs) and Neighbourhood Managers (NMs) are on duty.

All libraries will close.

Will any food outlets be open on-campus during the closure?

The Cove will be open. Check the doors to the building for any posted change in hours.

Where is a safe, warm place where I can wait for my transportation off-campus?

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the SUB is available to wait in or study in. The Bookstore and Starbucks will be closed.

When a campus closure is announced before the start of the business day all classroom buildings will be closed.

Will the SUB building close if there's a campus closure?

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the SUB will remain open and can be used as a waiting area before leaving campus. Services in the building will close. 

When a campus closure is announced before the start of the business day the SUB will be closed.

Is Clearihue open? If so, how late?

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the common areas of the Clearihue Building and designated study spaces will be closed.

Are any of the libraries open (Law, McPherson)?

The libraries will be closed during a campus closure due to snow or severe weather. If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the SUB is available to wait or study in.

Is CARSA open?

CARSA will close during any campus closure due to winter weather.

I have an appointment with an on-campus service (e.g. Counselling, Health, Academic Advising, etc.). What do I do?

Most on-campus appointments will be cancelled for the day and need to be rescheduled. Check with the office where your appointment is scheduled.

Transportation and travel

How do I know if my bus route is operating?

Visit the  for updates.

I live far from campus and the road/ferry is unsafe or not operating. Am I still expected to attend my on-campus class?

Contact your course instructor.

Has my bus stop moved during the campus closure? Are buses still servicing Ring Road?

Buses will stop on Ring Road unless they are full or the bus stops are not available due to road conditions. Buses can fill up before they leave the UVic bus loop. Full buses will not stop along Ring Road unless they are stopping to let passengers off.

Is there a place indoors on campus I can wait for my bus?

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) the SUB will stay open for several hours after the campus closure announcement.

What if I feel uncomfortable about driving home from campus due to poor road conditions? Will I get a parking ticket if I leave my car overnight?

If the campus has been closed due to snow, cars on campus may park overnight without worry of a parking ticket.

If the university closes do the BC Transit buses stop coming to campus?

Buses are expected to travel to and from campus unless BC Transit decides to reduce or stop service due to road conditions. Some bus routes may experience modified service. Check the for current information.

Can someone do something about the traffic on Ring Road? Are there people who can direct traffic?

UVic is not able to provide staff to direct traffic on Ring Road as this is a municipal road. Please use extra caution and be patient and courteous.


If a campus closure is announced during business hours, what is the best way to leave campus?

Roads may be quickly congested so it may take time to leave campus. You may choose to wait on campus until the roads are less busy.

If a campus closure occurs during the day (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the SUB is available to wait or study in. Other buildings, including those with libraries or designated study areas, will be closed following a campus closure announcement.

If I need to stay on campus overnight due to the road conditions what are my options?

Residence Services may have a small number of beds/rooms available for the night for a fee. If these are not available and you are not able to leave campus, please contact Campus Security.

Why are parking lots not always completely clear of snow?

Snow clearing in parking lots is done based on the campus snow clearing priority list.

Depending on factors including time of year, day of week, time of day and current and future weather, decisions may be made to either delay or adjust the snow clearing in parking lots.

Residence living during campus closure

I live in residence. How will the campus closure impact me? Will the Cove still be open?

The Cove will be open. Check the doors to the building for any posted change to their hours.

I live in residence and the university is closed. Do I have to leave?

You do not need to leave campus. Residence Services staff will be on duty and The Cove will be available to students living on campus.

I live in residence and need food. Is anything open?

The Cove will be open for each meal of the day. Check the doors to the building for any posted change in hours.

Is the residence front desk still open?

The residence front desk will be closed. Residence Services community leaders (CLs) and neighbourhood managers (NMs) are on duty.

For safety, snow removal and event information, see our general FAQs.