
Hazardous materials

Hazmat technicians
Capital Regional District HazMat technicians work with UVic staff during an exercise.

There are chemicals, biological materials, compressed gases and other hazardous materials in several buildings on campus. In the event of a spill or release, there are important procedures to follow in order to protect yourself and others.

  • Call Campus Security at 250-721-7599.
  • If there is risk of fire or explosion, or if there are injuries, call 911.
  • DO NOT operate electrical devices, phones, light switches or equipment in the spill area.
  • Alert people in the immediate area to evacuate if toxic materials have spread. Do not use the fire alarm system to alert people unless there is a fire.
  • Evacuate to building emergency assembly points

For more information on lab safety visit the UVic Occupational Heath, Safety and Environment page.