
Frequently asked questions

In the event of snow or severe weather visit the UVic home page for information. The university will use the website to inform the campus community about safety precautions, service disruptions, class cancellations and campus closure. Information will also be posted on UVic's  and .

General information

Where can I get up-to-date information?

Visit uvic.ca for updates.

The campus has closed today. When will we find out if the campus will open tomorrow?

Check uvic.ca. Weather and road conditions will be evaluated early tomorrow morning and an announcement will be made on the website as soon as possible.

Camosun College and the local school districts are closed. Why hasn’t UVic closed?

The university will continue to monitor weather and road conditions. Watch the uvic.ca website for details as they become available.

Safety and snow removal

The pathway to my on-campus building/transportation is unsafe. What can be done about this?

You can report unsafe conditions on-campus to Campus Security at 250-721-7599.

Questions or comments on snow clearing can be directed to Facilities Management.

What are you doing to make on-campus sidewalks safe and accessible in icy conditions? What are the snow clearing priorities on-campus?

The university will normally follow the snow clearing priority maps below. Facilities Management staff are working to clear snow based on the snow clearing priority maps. Note that snow clearing priorities may need to be adjusted due to conditions.

I have mobility needs (e.g. I use a wheelchair). What should I know about the conditions of campus grounds?

On days when snow has fallen there may be snow on pathways and roadways. Facilities Management will work to clear the snow on pathways and roadways based on the snow clearing priorities maps:

If I see people in my on-campus building after the campus closure announcement has been made do I ask them to leave?

Feel free to let people know of the campus closure message as they may not yet know. The most current information on the campus closure message is available at uvic.ca. If you have a concern with people being in areas that you feel they should not be in please call Campus Security at 250-721-7599.


I am hosting an event on-campus and I’ve just received notice the university is closing due to snow before the event is scheduled to end. Do we have to leave or cancel the event?

It is recommended that the event be cancelled. The campus has been closed to give people the opportunity to get home before the roads become more challenging to travel on.

I am supposed to attend an event on-campus. Is this scheduled event still happening?

When the campus is closed it is expected that any scheduled events will also be cancelled. Updates on the status of the campus closure will be posted to uvic.ca when more information becomes available. Please contact the event organizers or visit their website for specific information on the event.

Is my off-campus event (e.g. at the Legacy Art Galleries) still happening?

Please contact the venue or event organizers, or visit their website for specific information on the event.

If my event is not happening, will it be rescheduled? Will I be refunded?

Please contact the event organizers or visit their website for specific information on the event.

For information on transportation, classes, exam scheduling, services and employee pay, visit our audience-specific FAQs: