

Math and Stats resources at UVic

External resources

  • : free, short video tutorials on a lot of topics. 
  • : short reviews of precalculus materials. 
  • Online places to ask math questions:
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    You may need to browse them a bit to figure out the best place to ask your question. 
  •  -- a computational knowledge engine, free and online, which does everything you wish your calculator could do. 
  • : a free but ad supported step-by-step calculator; use at your own risk.

Other resources at UVic

Lists of Private Tutors

Please note that we do not guarantee or endorse any particular list or tutor. Students wishing to hire tutors should ask about the person's qualifications, experience, references, and rates. 

  • (Students In Graduate Mathematics And Statistics) maintains a  of graduate students who are available for private tutoring.
  • The Department of Mathematics and Statistics maintains a list of private math and stats tutors in the Victoria area.

Job opportunities

Math and stats tutors

  • As a TA in the Assistance Centre, you would provide one-on-one help with a few math or stats courses. You can decide which courses you help with, but you need to be very comfortable with all the material in those courses. You also need to be patient, have good interpersonal skills, and be able to provide very clear explanations.
  • We offer a very good salary, good working conditions, and mentoring and training.
  • We accept applications three times per year:
    • early October, for the January-April term.
    • early February, for the May-August term.
    • early June, for the September-December term.

If you have questions about what working at the Assistance Centre is like, you may contact the manager at .

If you simply would like to receive an application form next time we hire, please ask Marie Marlo Barski at . If you are a grad student in math or stats you will automatically receive an application form.

Thank you for your interest.

Just For Fun

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