
First year calculus course choices

and are equivalent “Calculus I” courses that will bring students to the same level upon completion.  MATH 100 is designed to build upon students’ previous experience with Calculus, whereas MATH 109 is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of Calculus. is not equivalent to Math 100 or 109, and is not intended for students who plan to take MATH 101 “Calculus II” in the future.

UVic Calculus Courses

Required British Columbia High School Academic Qualifications*

  • One of MATH 120 with a minimum grade of C, Pre-Calculus 12, Principles of Mathematics 12.
  • Permission of the department will be considered through Pretests; and a score of 5 or higher on IB Mathematics SL or HL.  Please contact mathadvisor@uvic.ca for more information.

Additional Information:  Calculus 12 is not required for this course. MATH 102 is designed for students in the social and biological sciences, and does not prepare students for further study of calculus. Should only be taken by students whose program of study does not include courses with MATH 100 as a prerequisite

  • One of MATH 120 with a minimum grade of C+, Pre- Calculus 12 with a minimum grade of B (73%), Principles of Mathematics 12 with a minimum grade of B (73%); or
  • Permission of the department will be considered through Pretests; and a score of 5 or higher on IB Mathematics SL or HL.  Please contact mathadvisor@uvic.ca for more information.

Additional Information:  Calculus 12 is not required for this course.  Most students in this course will be coming straight from Precalculus 12 or MATH 120. This course is at the same difficulty level as MATH 100, but the lesson plans will assume no prior calculus knowledge. Students in this course will benefit from interacting with others whose mathematical background is similar.

  • One of MATH 120 with a minimum grade of C+, Pre- Calculus 12 with a minimum grade of B (73%), Principles of Mathematics 12 with a minimum grade of B (73%); or
  • Permission of the department will be considered through Pretests; and a score of 5 or higher on IB Mathematics SL or HL.  Please contact mathadvisor@uvic.ca for more information.

Additional Information:  Calculus 12 is highly recommended for this course.  This course is at the same difficulty level as MATH 109, but the instructors of MATH 100 will build upon their students’ previous experience with Calculus. Students in this course will benefit from interacting with others whose previous experience with calculus is similar.

*      Where possible 番茄社区 will assess equivalencies from other education systems.

The learning objectives and textbook for MATH 109 are the same as those for MATH 100, and the two courses are of the same difficulty level. Students who successfully complete either course will be allowed to enrol in MATH 101. The learning objectives and textbook for MATH 102 are different, and MATH 102 does not serve as a prerequisite for MATH 101.

Which course is right for me?


  1. While MATH 102 is sufficient for a degree in Biological or Social Sciences, stronger math skills will better set you up if you think you might want to pursue quantitative aspects of these fields, such as mathematical modelling or data science.  MATH 100 or MATH109 will give you a stronger foundation and leave more options open for further study.


­­What if I change my mind?

MATH 100 and MATH 109 use the same textbook and have the same learning objectives, so switching between those two courses would not require you to purchase new materials.

MATH 102 uses a different textbook from MATH 100 and 109, so switching into or out of that course would require you to purchase new materials.

If you choose to switch from one Calculus course into another, you have to change your lecture and tutorial registration before the add date (subject to availability). As with any late addition to your schedule, you will have to accept responsibility for missed assignments.