
CHEM 560

Analysis of Dynamic Equilibrating Systems

This module has always been about practical lessons on methods for determining parameters like Kassoc, etc. The 201705 offering also included a brief (2-3 hour) overview of noncovalent interactions, because that material is no longer offered in any other graduate course or module. Please mention to Fraser if you'd like that covered in 2019.  

  • Major topics are:
  • A. Intro to dynamic systems and weak interactions
  • B. Determining stoichiometry and Kassoc by NMR
  • C. Determining thermodynamic parameters by NMR
  • D. Determining assembly kinetics by NMR
  • E. Student presentations on various extensions of these lessons to other techniques. Topics might include:
    • UV-Vis and Fluorescence,  
    • Stopped-flow methods,  
    • Line shape analysis,
    • Isothermal titration calorimetry,
    • Potentiometry,  or
    • other relevant topics that students want to bring to the class.

Please email fhof@uvic.ca if you’re interested in taking or auditing the class.

Dr. Hof will build the class list and figure out timing that works for everyone.