
Research mobility and collaboration activities

Collaboration within PoND

In order to foster collaboration and student mobility within the PoND program, PoND students are encouraged to complete at least 3 out of the 5 collaboration activities listed below before graduation. PIs must report on the collaboration activities of their students by providing this information on the PoND Student Report to be completed annually.


PoND collaboration activities 

  1. Completing a research visit of at least 1 week to a PoND lab at a different PoND institution
    Research visits to a PoND lab at a different PoND institution should be for a minimum duration of 1 week to count as fulfilling this collaboration activity. During research visits, the students will have the opportunity to expand their own research using new techniques or learn about a new area of research in the visiting lab. Students should apply for a PoND Mobility Grant (travel grant application) to fund travel and accommodation costs associated with this collaboration activity.

  2. Being trained in specialized techniques in a PoND lab at a different PoND institution
    Training in other PoND labs will give students an opportunity to get hands-on experience on specialized techniques outside the expertise of their research group. Students should apply for a PoND Mobility Grant (travel grant application) to fund travel and accommodation costs associated with this collaboration activity.

  3. Participating in group meetings of another PoND lab in person or via video conferencing
    Students participating in at least 2/4 (Masters/PhD) group meetings of another PoND group (either at or outside their home institution) fulfill this collaboration activity. The minimum 3 group meetings may be in the same group or in different groups.  

  4. Participating in PoND scientific brainstorming sessions
    Students participating in at least 2/4 (Masters/PhD) PoND brainstorming sessions fulfill this collaboration activity. The purpose of brainstorming sessions is to establish new collaborations and to learn about other PoND research. A brainstorming session will be held during the PoND Research Days each year (starting in 2019). Students and PIs will also have the opportunity to participate in additional Research Days hosted online by various PoND PIs. The specific format and outcomes of the session will be determined by the host PI. Below is an example of the format and outcomes from the brainstorming session held during the 2019 Research Days: 

    Format: Presentation by PIs of three slides each which answers the following questions:
    1) What is my interest in drug delivery?
    2) What is the core expertise in my group?
    3) What expertise would I like to get from collaborations?

    Each presentation will take 5 minutes (40 minutes total) with a general discussion of 30 or 40 minutes. Students should be given priority within the discussion and PIs wishing to discuss directly with other PIs should do so after the session.
    Outcome: The person chairing the meeting will summarize research gaps and possible collaborations. PIs not present at the Research Day are encouraged to submit 3 slides with text or audio explanations to the Program Coordinator.

  5. Producing collaborative papers and presentations with other PoND groups
    Students producing at least 2/4 (Masters/PhD) peer-reviewed papers or conference presentations (posters or talks) through PoND collaborations (i.e. co-authored with a PoND PI other than their principal supervisor) fulfill this collaboration activity. Material co-authored with a PoND co-supervisor counts as a collaborative contribution.

PoND research visit and research day travel expenses policy