
PoND internship procedures

The PoND program’s standard procedures for internship placements were temporarily suspended in summer 2020 by the ILIAC (Industrial Liaison Committee) in light of COVID-19. The following temporary procedures have been put into place:

  1. Program coordinator sends out call for students wanting to do internship
  2. Interested students inform the program coordinator and update their CVs
  3. Students send their CVs to their PoND program ILIAC representative* for feedback
  4. Students send the final versions of their CVs to the program coordinator
  5. The POND program director sends students’ CVs to interested companies
    Please note: The program director will contact each student to get their permission before forwarding their CV to any company
  6. Interested companies will contact the students directly to schedule interviews. Students will inform the program director of any interviews or job offers they receive

The PoND program director and ILIAC will make every effort to find internships for students during COVID-19, with physical internship placements being the preferred option but with remote internships also being considered as a COVID-19 mitigation measure. Students are encouraged to be flexible in terms of start dates and duration of internships.

Pre-COVID PoND internship procedures

PoND internship travel expenses policies and procedures

Please note:

International students are strongly encouraged to contact the international student office at their home institution regarding the implication of their internship on their immigration status.†

University Of Victoria students must register in Chem 664 for the period of their internship. Please contact the for more information.


*PoND ILIAC Representatives

University Of Victoria:

University Of Alberta:

Université Laval:

Concordia University:


International Student Offices

University Of Victoria International Student Services