
Graduate courses

Fall Term Spring Term

509, 521 (odd), 523 (even), 560, 547 (odd), 553 (odd), 599, 645 (even), 647 (odd), 676 (even), 699  


505, 509, 511(even), 533 (even), 537, 555 (odd), 560, 551 (odd), 552 (even), 578 (odd) 577 (odd), 599, 699, 670, 680 
Chem 505: Professional Development and Societal Engagement for Chemists 
Chem 511 (cross listed with 411): Topics in Instrumental Analysis 
Chem 521 (CL w 421): Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 
Chem 523 (CL w 423): Organometallic Chemistry 
Chem 533 (CL w 432): Organic Synthesis 
Chem 537 (CL w 437): Biological and Medicinal Chemistry 
Chem 555 (CL w 458): Statistical Thermodynamics 
Chem 560: Research Tools and Special Topics 
Chem 547 (CL w 447): Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy 
Chem 551 (CL w 451): NMR and its Applications 
Chem 552 (CL w 452): Reaction Mechanisms and Dynamics 
Chem 553 (CL w 453): Structure, Reactivity and Bonding 
Chem 577 (CL w 477): Computational Chemistry 
Chem 578 (CL w 478): Industrial Chemistry 
Chem 599 MSc Thesis
Chem 645 (CL w 475): Electrochemistry and its Applications
Chem 647 (CL w 459): Materials Science 
Chem 676 (CL w 476): Polymer Chemistry 
Chem 699 PhD Dissertation
Chem 670 Property-Directed Synthesis Discussion  
Chem 680Reactivity, Dynamics and Spectroscopy Discussion