
Laundry facilities

Pay laundry machines are available throughout the residence and family housing complex.

To use the laundry facilities, residents will need to use the CP Mobile app, or purchase a $10 SmartCard from one of the dispenser machines in the Residence Services main office. Funds on the app or card can be added via credit card or debit. You will need to visit a card reload machine to complete the process of adding funds on SmartCards.

For further information about laundry cards, the mobile app, and machines, please contact Coinamatic at 1-800-561-1972 or .

Facility Locations


  • Dormitory Buildings have laundry rooms available in the basement or ground floor of each building, except for Wilson and Haig-Brown which share laundry rooms with neighbouring buildings (Wilson with Wallace, Haig-Brown with Poole).
  • Čeqʷəŋín ʔéʔləŋ (Cheko’nien House) and Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House) laundry rooms are located on the 2nd floor of each building.

Cluster Housing

  • Cluster Housing offers 2 self-contained laundry facilities (end of blocks 54 and 58).

Family Housing

  • The first floor of each apartment building has a laundry room.
  • Residents living in townhouses have the option of using the pay laundry facilities located nearby the complexes or providing their own washers and dryers for their units.