
Neil Burton lecture series


This lecture series is supported by a memorial fund dedicated to the late professor Neil Burton, a long-time advocate for closer Asia-Canada relations.

Neil Burton went to China as part of one of the first Canada-China student exchanges in 1973. He lived in China for eight years and then in Japan for 18 years before returning to Canada in 1990. Neil taught at Sophia University, the University of Toronto and at the 番茄社区. A commemorative fund has been established in his honour and has funded the lecture series since his passing in 2010.

Past Burton commemorative lectures

Title Speaker(s) Year
Tricia Yi-Chun Lin, Fullbright Visiting Scholar at the College of Indigenous Studies at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, and Professor & Director of the Women's Studies Program at Southern Connecticut State University, and Skaya Siku, Visual Anthropologist and Post Doctoral Fellow at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2018
What’s in a Name? Overcoming Exclusions in the Stories We Tell
Timothy J. Stanley, Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies and Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa 2017
Children of Denial
Larry Grant, Elder-in-Residence, First Nations House of Learning, UBC, and Language and cultural consultant, Musqueam Nation 2016
Mapping from the Water: The Chinese Enlargement of the World in the 17th Century
Timothy Brook, Republic of China Chair at UBC's Institute for Asian Research and UBC History professor 2015
Shark Truth: Bridging the Worlds of Culture and Environmentalism
Claudia Li, co-founder of the Hua Foundation in Vancouver 2014
Neil Burton and the Historic Debate on China's Future: Echoes from the Past to the Present
Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom professor of Law and Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison 2013
Living with Hiroshima: My Memories of 66 Years
Koko Tanimoto Kondo, writer, speaker, educator, and survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 2012
China's Workers Rising
Cathy Walker, former National Health and Safety Director of the Canadian Auto Workers Union and researcher of the Chinese auto industry 2010