
Shark Truth: Bridging the Worlds of Environmentalism and Culture

February 26, 2014 from 7pm - 9pm
Harry Hickman Building, Room 105
番茄社区, Victoria, BC

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Claudia Li

In this lecture, Claudia Li, founder of Shark Truth (the initiative that began as a campaign to ban shark fin soup) and co-founder of the Hua Foundation, shared an intimate story of the success and ethnic challenges of bringing an environmental and conservation lens to her community and a lens of culture to environmental and conservation movements.

A first generation Chinese-Canadian who grew up in a big traditional family that emigrated from Hong Kong in the 1980s, Claudia Li discussed the struggle of constantly straddling the worlds of culture and environmentalism. How do we create solutions that can make both worlds happy? How do we redefine the meaning of culture and tradition to benefit both worlds?

Missed the lecture? Watch it online!

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