
Hitachi FB-2100 FIB

The Hitachi FB-2100 Focused Ion Beam system is used for making micrometer- and nanometer-sized cuts in materials.

It can also be used to prepare TEM specimens of hard and soft materials and their combination, useful for engineers, physical scientists and life scientists, and for making TEM specimens containing different types of tissue, for example tissue growing on implants.

The Hitachi FB-2100 FIB at the AMF

  • 10 to 40 kV accelerating voltage
  • 6 nm or better resolution at 40 kV
  • Magnification range from 700x to 200,000x
  • Maximum current of 40 nA at 40 kV
  • Liquid gallium metal ion source
  • 100 mm specimen diameter
  • Actuated TEM holder stage
  • Actuated SEM holder stage
  • Actuated pick/place probe
  • Tungsten deposition system

Samples can be cut using layouts created on the instrument's control computer, by importing a vector file via ftp, or by importing a bitmap image via ftp. A software and technical information on is available online.

Beam current values

The following tables show beam current at the sample as a function of acceleration voltage and aperture diameter. The first table is for the condensor lens off, the second table is for the condensor lens on.

Beam current in nA with Condensor lens off

5 μm 15 μm 30 μm 80 μm 150 μm 300 μm 520 μm
10 kV 0.00010 0.00027 0.00133
15 kV
20kV 0.00305
30kV 0.00143 0.00674 0.03946
40kV 0.00130 0.00335 0.01583 0.09280

Beam current in nA, Condensor lens on

5 μm 15 μm 30 μm 80 μm 150 μm 300 μm 520 μm
10 kV
15 kV
20kV 0.00588 0.26861
30kV 0.00882 0.05195 0.44652 2.1265
40kV 0.00303 0.01064 0.06540 0.64103 3.0318 15.0243 43.892