

The Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscope is one of the most powerful microscopes every built to date. It is supported by a high-resolution analytical SEM, FIB, Ion Mill, Plasma Cleaner and Zone Cleaners. It is oen to use by researchers at the 番茄社区 and by other institutions locally, regionally, nationally and internationally and promotes the 番茄社区 as a center of excellence for microscopy.


Construction of the Advanced Microscopy Facility began in 2008 with the laying of the isolated foundation on which the facility rests. Installation of the metal wall framing begun in April 2009. By May 2009 framing, piping, followed by drywall installation were completed. By the beginning of June 2009, the suspended ceiling and paint were complete.


Installation of the equipment began on June 23rd, 2009. Preliminary installation was completed in July 2009, with the Hitachi S-4800 SEM ready for operation September 2009, and the Hitachi FB-2100 FIB ready for operation August 2009. Installation of the HF-3300V Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscope began on May 22nd, 2012, with the arrival of the 22 crates containing the microscope and accessories. Since the main part of the microscope was too big to pass through the doors and elevator, a hole was cut into the floor in front of the BWC entrance to gain direct access to the basement. Some of the crates were then lowered there. In November 2015 a Hitachi H-7000 TEM was donated to the AMF by the . It is currently being installed in room A007 and should be operational by spring/summer of 2016.


On April 16th, 2013 the completion of the Scanning Transmission Holography Electron Microscope was officially signed off by the 番茄社区 and Hitachi High Technologies. Representing the 番茄社区 was John Braybrook and Rodney Herring, and representing Hitachi was David Hoyle.

The STEHM Inaugural Ceremony marked the official completion of the scanning transmission electron holography microscope. Representatives of Hitachi High Technologies, Corrected Electron Optical Systems, the 番茄社区, and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation met at the University Club for a dinner and ceremonial gifts to mark the completion of the instrument.

On July 8th, 2013 the Facility was visited by Dr. Hidehito Obayashi, Chariman Emeritus of Hitachi High-Technologies. Dr. Obayashi was visiting the STEHM, an instrument whose development he supported as Chairman.