
Nahirney lab

Jeol JEM 1400

from the Division of Medical Sciences owns a JEOL JEM-1400 transmission electron microscope, purchased with assistance from CFI, BCKDF, and the Division of Medical Sciences.

Equipped with a 10.7 MP , the instrument boasts a 0.2 nm lattice resolution and a magnification range from x200 to x1,200,000.

The instrument is primarily used for imaging biological samples, but is suitable for materials and nanoparticle analysis. Detailed specifications for the  are available on JEOL's web site.

The instrument is housed in the  of the Biology Department and maintained by Brent Gowen.

Once users are trained by Dr. Nahirney or Brent Gowen, online booking of instrument time can be made through the CAMTEC . To arrange training contact Dr. Nahirney by email or telephone. Fees are according to Department of Biology's Electron Microscopy Laboratory .

Room 065, Cunningham Building
Dr. Patrick C. Nahirney
(250) 853-3659
Medical Sciences Building, Room 220

Nahirney Lab Webpage: