
Book of Hours (Use of Troyes)

Type: Manuscript

Date: 1460-1470

Setting: Troyes, France

Produced By/For: Duc de La Vallière

Contents: Devotional: Book of Hours

Shelf Mark: Ms.Lat.8

Location: Call no.

Description from Vendor

Resplendent with gold and glowing color, this beautiful Book of Hours from the collection of the Duc de La Vallière, nobleman and one of the greatest bibliophiles of all time, betrays the influence of the Master of the Troyes Missal, an accomplished illuminator active in or near Troyes between 1460 and 1480, and was undoubtedly the work of a member of his circle. Probably trained in Paris, members of this workshop executed many Books of Hours for owners in Champagne and eastern France.

Bound in nineteenth century red morocco; gilt-stamped border of vine leaves with corner flowers on front and back; spine with four raised bands and gilt stamping; all edges gilt. "Lacking ff. 75 and 88, as well as an unfoliated leaf preceding f. 1 (collation i6 [-1, with loss of text] ii6 iii-ix8 x 8 [-8, with loss of a miniature] xi8 xii4 xiii8 [-1, with loss of a miniature] xivxix8 xx 8 [-4 to 8, with no loss of text]). Inscription on front flyleaf: “Ce Manuscrit a appartenu au Duc de la Vallie`re qui l'avait de l'Eveque de St Denis, il proviend[...?] de la Bibliotheque Royale de Versailles. Il est du 15e Sie`cle.

Full description available through Lesenluminures.com.

Provenance: Purchased from Les Enluminures, 2017.


List of contents (updated from bookseller description) and transcription of fols. 76r–87r (French prayers) by Mary Johnson, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies course with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), December 2018, is available here.

In transcriptions of the French, the scribe’s orthography, punctuation, and capitalization have been maintained; expanded abbreviations are marked by italics, and scribal correction is marked by carots (^ ^). All work has been checked and lightly edited throughout by Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin.


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