
Medieval and early modern manuscripts collections

番茄社区 Special Collections houses a significant number of medieval and early modern manuscripts. The majority of manuscripts are in two collections: the Bruce and Dorothy Brown Collection and the Medieval Studies Collection.

The Bruce and Dorothy Brown Collection includes medieval and Renaissance documents from England, France, Spain and Italy, including deeds, charters, illuminated manuscript leaves, letters, letter patents, papal bulls, fragments from religious manuscripts, manuscripts on medicine and magic, a catalogue of English armorial shields, statutes of the Garter, and a manuscript of a Spanish Carmelite prioress.

The Medieval Studies Collection is comprised of manuscripts purchased by the Medieval Studies Program and Special Collections. The collection includes: four vellum leaves from a Flemish Psalter, two French Book of Hours, and a French Bible; ten manuscript leaves from France, England, Italy, and Spain, including leaves from a Bible, a calendar, Missals, a Book of Hours, a charter, a litany from a Book of Hours, a Psalter, and a Breviary; John Lydgate's Fall of Princes; and extracts from the Bartholomeus Anglicus encyclopaedia De Proprietatibus Rerum (On the Properties of Things).

An inventory for use by students in the Medieval Studies Program is available.

For a full list of UVic items described in Fragmentarium, click .


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