
About Special Collections

番茄社区 Special Collections serves as a research and teaching resource for students, faculty, and the community at large. Its mandate is to collect, preserve, and make accessible rare books, manuscripts, architectural plans, photographs, and oral history interviews. Special Collections provides a reference service and allows instructors to deliver classes using material from the collection within the Special Collections classroom.

Research opportunities and areas of collection

Our collection of rare books and unpublished material provide opportunities for original research in diverse areas. As well as holding books in all disciplines from the 16th century onward, Special Collections strives to acquire publications that complement the major subject and author areas of its manuscript holdings to provide more comprehensive research collections.

From its inception in the 1960's, Special Collections has developed internationally recognized holdings in Modernist British, American and Anglo-Irish literature. Among the authors represented in print and manuscript are: John Betjeman, T.S. Eliot, Robert Graves, Ezra Pound, Kathleen Raine, Herbert Read and Laura Riding.

In response to emerging research needs, our collection policy has diversified and significant collection areas now include:

  • Architectural plans and drawings
  • Artists' books
  • Canadian military history
  • Early 20th century literary magazines
  • Medieval manuscript and palaeographic examples
  • Northwest exploration, ethnology, art and anthropology
  • Regional and Southern Vancouver Island authors and literary culture
  • Vancouver Island publishing

Access and usage

Members of the University community, researchers from other institutions, and the public in general may access Special Collections.

  • Photo ID is required to view requested material
  • Only pencil and paper, or laptops, may be used in this area -- pens are not permitted
  • Gloves may be required while using certain materials
  • Use of material is normally restricted to our reading room during regular hours
  • Reproduction by photocopy, or by any other means, is determined on an item-by-item basis dependent on the material's condition, copyright, and specific restrictions (a self-serve photocopier is available)

See our access policy.


Special Collections is pleased to discuss prospective donations of rare materials.

For more information about supporting Special Collections and UVic Libraries please see here.

Social media

Find out what's happening in Special Collections by joining the conversation on our social media channels.

Special Collections is located in room A005 in the lower level of the Mearns Centre for Learning and shares facilities and responsibilities for archival material with the University Archives.

番茄社区 Libraries
Special Collections
PO Box 1800 STN CSC
Victoria BC  V8W 3H5

Phone: 250-721-8257

Fax: 250-721-8215



10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Lara Wilson
Director, Special Collections and University Archivist
Mearns Centre, Room A005b

Heather Dean
Associate Director, Special Collections
Mearns Centre, Room A005c

John Frederick
Library Assistant
Mearns Centre, Room A005a