
CES reports

CES Reports by Faculty and Overall University, 2015 to current. This allows instructors and units to contextualize their scores. For Faculty and Overall University reports prior to 2015 please contact ceshelp@uvic.ca.

If you are looking for Chairs & Deans reports please use and bookmark the following link as it will allow those with access through their departmental AD group access to the . Please note that this access must be delegated by your Chair/Dean/Director and managed by your technical support staff. Your technical support staff will also need to manage ongoing upkeep of permissions. For further assistance please email ceshelp@uvic.ca

Faculty Reports - 2019 Spring Term

Faculty Reports - 2018 Fall Term

Faculty Reports - 2018 Summer Term

Faculty Reports - 2018 Spring Term

Faculty Reports - 2017 Fall Term

Faculty Reports - 2017 Summer Term

Faculty Reports - 2017 Spring Term

Faculty Reports - 2016 Fall Term

Faculty Reports - 2016 Summer Term

Faculty Reports - 2016 Spring Term

Faculty Reports - 2015 Fall Term

Faculty Reports - 2015 Summer Term

Faculty Reports - 2015 Spring Term