
2023 BIG Summer Institutes


In 2023, the Borders in Globalization Lab (BIG Lab) increased the number of Summer Institutes first offered in 2021 and 2022 from two to five.These institutes once again featured the latest research provided by our research network colleagues. Fellows explored topics related to border policy and border management in the context of an increasingly globalized world. All institutes were conducted in a hybrid format, with sessions online over Zoom and in-person at the 番茄社区 (UVic), British Columbia, Canada. We received more than 384 applications for the World Customs Organization (WCO) fellowships and for the BIG Lab fellowship.

Find the specifics of the 2023 BIG Summer Institutes in the Annual Report

The Borders in Globalization (BIG) project offers a series of intensive summer institutes where participants develop comprehensive understandings of borders in the 21st century by learning from top academics and policy experts.

BIG is supported with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. 

For more information, please visit the BIG Website