
European Funding Opportunities for Students, Postdocs and Researchers of All Nationalities

The mobility of researchers constitutes a crucial element in the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). Several models for mobility formats are used in Europe (at national and European levels), covering a large scale and scope, from the early-stage researcher to the recognised/established researcher and beyond. They are open to researchers from all over the world regardless of their nationality.

Horizon 2020 is the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, with a budget of €77 billion between 2014 and 2020 to support scientifically-excellent research, innovation, and technological development, through collaborative research projects as well as grants and fellowships to individuals. It is open to the world, so US researchers are very welcome to get involved. This event will provide an insight into the opportunities for US researchers to cooperate with European partners and the funding schemes available to those interested in spending part of their career in Europe.

Two programs of Horizon 2020 are particularly interesting:

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions provide significant support for international and intersectoral research mobility and career development, both for researchers inside the European Union and externally. The program includes activities such as initial training of researchers, support for lifelong training and career development, transfer of knowledge and networking via actions including individual fellowships, innovative training networks, and research and innovation staff exchange.

Also, within the MSCA, US/Canadian research institution can host European post-docs for up to 2 years. If successful, this fellowship will be fully covered by the program.

The ERC is funding investigator-driven research at the frontiers of science and technology, independently of thematic priorities and nationalities. Particular emphasis is being placed on emerging and fast-growing fields at the frontiers of knowledge, and on cross-disciplinary research. The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. To date, the ERC has funded more than 7,500 top researchers at various stages of their careers. The funding also helped them employ over 40,000 members in their research teams.

By fostering transatlantic exchange of researchers (including PhD and postdoc candidates) these formats contribute to training researchers, stimulating and supporting research partnerships and institutional cooperation beyond the world of academia.

The main objectives of the information session are:

  • Raising awareness on mobility and career opportunities in Europe, with a special focus on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and the ERC Grants.
  • Stimulating scientific cooperation between North America and Europe
  • Helping to connect researchers from both continents with a view to expand the EURAXESS North America Community

EURAXESS is a unique ERA initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services for European and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in Europe. It offers access to the job market; assists researchers in advancing their careers in another European country and supports research organisations in their search for outstanding research talent. EURAXESS is a truly pan-European initiative, supported by 40 participating countries across Europe and the EURAXESS Worldwide countries.

So far, EURAXESS Worldwide has been launched in North America (Canada & USA), Japan, China, India, ASEAN, LAC (Latin America & Caribbean) and South Korea. The objective of  is to actively promote Europe as an attractive and open place for researchers and innovators. It networks not only European researchers working in North America but also North American researchers/innovators with the potential of moving to Europe or to a non-European destination where EURAXESS Worldwide operates.
