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Xanthos, Turkey

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McPherson periodicals


Acta archaeologica (AArch: CC1/A2):

Latest issue: Not known. # 39-65 (1968-1994) in library; 11/01/2001 to present (with a 12 Month delay) on Wiley.

Acta archaeologica (AArch: CC1/A2):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 39-65 (1968-1994)
11/01/2001 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Acta classica (AClass: PA25/A2):

Latest issue: Not known.

Acta classica universitatis scientiarum debrecensis (ACD: PA1/A25):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 8,10/11-12,14,19-31; 1972-95

Acta historia neerlandica (ActaHistNeerlandica: DJ109/A1A3):

Latest issue: 1971.
#1-5; 1966-71

Acta historia neerlandica v. 6-10 (ActaHistNeerlandica: DJ109/A1A3a):

Latest issue: 1978.
#6-10; 1973-78

Aegyptus (Aegyptus: PA3339/A4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#52-79, 81- ; 1972

Aevum (Aevum: PA1/A4):   

Latest issue: Not known.
41- ; 1967 -

Agon (Agon: PA1/A45):  

Latest issue: 1969.
#1-3 (1967-69)

Agricultural history (AgricHist: S1/A16):  

Latest issue: Not known.
1- ; 1927-
1-80 (1927-2006)

Agricultural history review (AgrHistRev: S3/A4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#18- ; 1970 -

Altertum (Altertum: DE1/A35):

Latest issue: 1981.
#15-[23]-27; 1969-81

Ambix (Ambix: QD1/B3797): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#25- ; 1978-
2004 -

American classical review (ACR: PA1/A5):  

Latest issue: 1973.
#1-[3]; 1971-1973

American historical review (AHR: E171/A57):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1895
02/01/1975 to present (with a 12 month delay)
JSTOR 1895-2004 (Vols. 1-109)

American journal of ancient history (AJAH: DE1/A365): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1976-

American journal of archaeology (AJA: CC1/A7): 

Latest issue: Not known.
1897-2004 (vols. 1-108)

American journal of philology (AJPh: P1/A5):

Latest issue: 2003.  
#1 -[111]-124; 1880-2003
1880-2004 (Vols. 1-125)
Project Muse 1996-

American journal of semitic languages and literature (AJSL: PJ3001):

Latest issue: 1941. 

1895-1941 (Vols. 12-58)

American neptune (AMNG/AmNeptune: V1/A5):

Latest issue: 2002.
#[16]-18,25-62 (1956-2002)

American numismatic society, museum notes (ANSMusN: CJ1/A63):

Latest issue: 1988.
#5,15-33; 1952-1988

American philological association (ProcPhilAs: P11 A52):

Latest issue: 1977. 
#104-107; 1974-77

Anatolian studies (AS: DS56/A66):

Latest issue: Not known.
#18-34, 36-46,48- ;1968-
1951-2006 (Vols. 1-56)

Ancient Egypt (AncEg: DT57/A6):

Latest issue: 1932. 
[1914], [1921], 1923-1932

Ancient history bulletin (AHB: D51/A55):  

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1987-

Ancient society (AncSoc: D51/A59):

Latest issue: Not known.
#18- ; 1987

Ancient world (AncW: DE1/A42):

Latest issue: Not known.
#25- ; 1994-

Annual of the British School at Athens (ABSA: DF11/B6):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-40,53-54,59- ;1894-95-
1894-2006 (Vols. 1-101)

Année philologique (APh: PA3001 A55):   

Latest issue: 2007.

Année Épigraphique (AÉpigr: CN520/A5):  

Latest issue: 2006.

Antichthon (Antichthon: PA1/A55):

Latest issue: Not known.
#28- ; 1994-

Antike kunst (AK: N5320/A55):  

Latest issue: 1994.
20-37; 1977-94

Antike welt (AW: CB311/A56): 

Latest issue: Not known.
[25]- ; 1994-

Antiquaries journal (AntJ: DA20/A6):

Latest issue: 2007. 
[1]-60,63[64]-[67-69]84-87; 1921-2007

Antiquity (Antiquity: CC1/A75):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[64]- ; 1927-
03/01/2001 to present (with a 6 Month delay)

Antiquité classique (AC: DE1/A43):

Latest issue: 2003. 
#3-20,23- ; 1934-

Antiquités Africanes (AntAfr: DT160/A5):

Latest issue: Not known.
1- ; 1967-

Anzeiger für die Altertumwissenschaft (AAHG: CC5/A5S):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#25- ; 1972-

ARAM periodical (ARAM: DS57/A73):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#9/10- ; 1997/98-

Archaeologia (Archaeologia: DA20/A64):

Latest issue: 1991. 
#v.37,53-109; 1857-1991

Archaeological journal (AJ: DA20/A66): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-15,124- ; 1844-

Archaeological reports (AR: DF12/A7):

Latest issue: 2009. 
#2,5,7- ; 1955-2008/09
1954-2006 (Nos. 1-53)

Archaeology (Archaeology: CC1/A85): 

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[23]-[29]-[44]-[47]-[50]- ; 1948- 11/26; 1958/73

Archaiologika Analecta ex Athenon (AAA: DF10/A7):

Latest issue: 1985.
#1-18; 1968-85

Archeologia classica (ArchClass: DE1/A65):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#19- ; 1967-

Archiv für kulturgeschichte (AKG: CB3/A7): 

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1903-

Archäologische bibliographie (ABibl: Z5132/A7):

Latest issue: 1993. 

Archäologischer anzeiger (AA: CC27/J32): 

Latest issue: Not known.

Arethusa (Arethusa: PA1/A68):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1968-
Periodicals Archive Online 1968-1995

Arion (Arion: PA1/A7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
v.1-9; 1962-1970 new.ser.v.1-3; 1973-1976 ser.3v.1- ; 1990-
1962-2006 (Vol. 1 - Third Series Vol. 14)

Art and archaeology technical abstracts (AATA: AM1/S8b):

Latest issue: 2000.  
#6-36; 1966-2000

Art bulletin (ABull: N1/A4):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#[33-35]-[38]-[42]43,45- ; 1951-
1919-2006 (Vols. 2-88)
Academic Search Complete 1975-

Atene e Roma (A&R: PA1/A75):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#new ser.v.14- ; 1969-

Athenaeum (Athenaeum: PA1/A8): 

Latest issue: Not known. 
v.1-10; 1913-22 new ser.v.1-53,55- 1923-


Latest issue: Not known. 
1-19,21-76,81- ; 1953-

Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden (BL: PA3303/Z5B4):

Latest issue: Not known. 
Bd. 4-11

Britannia (Britannia: DA145/B74):

Latest issue: 1984. 
#1-15; 1970-84
1970-2006 (Vols. 1-37)

British museum quarterly (BMQ: AM101/B84B5):

Latest issue: 1973. 
#1-6,12,15,23,28,34-37; 1926-1973
JSTOR 1926-1973 (Vols. 1-37)

British museum yearbook (BMY: AM101/B84B53):

Latest issue: 1980.
#1-4; 1976-1980

Bucknell review (BR: AP2/B887A):

Latest issue: 2004. 
#16-47; 1968-2004

Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH: DF10/B9):

Latest issue: 2007. 
  #1- ; 1877-

Bulletin du Cange (ALMA: PA2801/B8):

Latest issue: 2001. 
#41- ; 1977/78-

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASO: DS101/A6): 

Latest issue: Not known. 
#154,157,162,166,170,174,177,182,186-187,191,199,201-297,303- ; 1959-
JSTOR 1921-2006 (Nos. 4-344)

Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP: AS36/A497A2): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#8- ; 1971

Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology (BIALond: CC1/L6):

Latest issue: 1994. 
#7-31; 1967-94

Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS: PA1/L6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1954-

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (BRL: Z921/M18B8):

Latest issue: 1972. 
#1-54; 1903-1972

Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (BMFA: N520/A4):

Latest issue: 1925. 
#v.1-23; 1903-1925
1903-1925 (Vols. 1-23)

Byzantion (Byzantion: DF501/B9):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1924-


Cahiers Archéologiques (CArch: CC3/C3): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#2,6-9,12-14,16- ; 1947-

Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale (CCM: CB3/C3):

Latest issue: Not known.
annee 12- ; 1969-

Cahiers des Études Anciennes (CEA: DE1/C25):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1972-

California studies in classical antiquity (CSCA: PA1/C3):

Latest issue: 1979. 
#1-12; 1968-1979

Cambridge archaeological journal (CArchJ: CC1/C3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#7-17; 1997-2007

Cambridge philological society (PCPhS: P11/C2):

Latest issue: 2004.
new ser.13-50; 1967-2004

Chiron (Chiron: D51/C48):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#16- ; 1986-

CIBA-Geigy review (Ciba-GeigyRev: TP1/C5):

Latest issue: 1969.
#1-50,52-71,74-141; 1937-1959/60 1961-[1963]-[1967,1969]

Classica et mediaevalia (C&M: PA9/C5): 

Latest issue: 2003.
#1-22,27-41,43- ; 1938-

Classical and modern literature (CML: PN883/C5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#15- ; 1994-

Classical antiquity (ClAnt: PA1/C36):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1982-
Chadwyck 1968-1995
1982-2006 (Vols.1-25)
Caliber 2001-

Classical Association, proceedings (PCA: PA11/C6):

Latest issue: 1999.
#19-96; 1922-1999

Classical bulletin (CB: PA1/C4):      

Latest issue: Not known. 
#34-[55]-[58]- ; 1957-

Classical folia (CF: PA1/F6A):

Latest issue: 1979. 
#[19]21[22]-[24]-[29]-33; 1965-79

Classical journal (CJ: PA1/C45):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-[53-54]- ; 1905-
 1905-2006/7 (Vols. 1-102)

Classical news and views (EMC: PA1/C47):

Latest issue: 1962. 
#1-7; 1956-62

Classical philology (CPh: PA1/C5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-23,25-39,41- ; 1906-
1993- (access to full text available 1 year after publication)

Classical quarterly (CQ: PA1/C6):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-44; 1907-1950 new ser.v.1-7,10-[35]-57; 1951-2007
1907-2004 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 54)
Cambridge journals 2001-

Classical review (CR: PA1/C7):   

Latest issue: Not known.  online at Cambridge Journals;  online at JSTOR
#1-64; 1887-1950 new ser.v.1-[10]-57; 1951-2007
Cambridge 1998-
1887-2004 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 54)

Classical views (see Mouseion, Echos du monde classique) (EchCl/EMC: PA1/C47):

Latest issue: 1962.
#1-7; 1956-62

Classical world [Classical Weekly] (CW: Microf. PA1/C8): 

Latest issue: 1966. 
#1-43; 1907-1950

Classical world [Classical Weekly] (CW: PA1/C8):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#[52]- ; 1958-
Chadwyck 1907-1996
1957-2006 (Vols. 51-100)
Project Muse 2005-

Comparative literature (CompLit: PN851/C595):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#57-61; 2005-2009
1949-2004 (Vols. 1-56)
Duke Journals 2000-

Comparative studies in society and history (CSSH: H1/C73):  

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-49; 1958-2007
Cambridge Journals 1997-
1958-2004 (Vols. 1-46)

Convivium (Convivium: B5/C6):

Latest issue: 1970. 
#19-31; 1965-70

Didaskalos (Didaskalos: PA1/D5):

Latest issue: 1977. 
#1-5; 1963-77

Dioniso (Dioniso: PA3024/D5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#v.45-65 ; 1971-1995 nuova ser.n.1- ; 2002-

Dissertation abstracts (DA: Z5055/U49D5):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#12-26; 1952-1966

Dumbarton Oaks papers (DOP: DF503/D84):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-19,21- ; 1941-
1941-2007 (Vols. 1-61)

Durham University journal (DUJ: AP4/D8):

Latest issue: 1995.
#59-87; 1966-1995

Echos du monde classique (EMC: PA1/C47):

Latest issue: 2000. 
#7-44; 1962-2000

Economic history review (EconHistRev: HC10):

Latest issue: Not known.

 Internet Resource 1927-2004 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 57)
Wiley 1995-

Eirene (Eirene: PA1/A1E5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-5,7- ; 1960-

Emerita (Emerita: PA9/E5):

Latest issue: 1995.   
#37-41,43-[50]-55; 1969-1987

Endeavour (Endeavour: Q1/E5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[28]; 1942-2004

English historical review (EHR: DA20/E58):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-122; 1886-2007

Epigraphica (EA: CN1/E6):

Latest issue: 2003.
#50-65; 1988-2003

Eranos (Eranos: PA9/E7):

Latest issue: 2007.
#1-[30]-33,37-38,43-89,91- ; 1896-

Etruscan studies (EtrStud: DG222.5/E87):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1994-

Etudes classiques (LEC: PA2/E8):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1932-

Euphrosyne (Euphrosyne: PA25/E9): 

Latest issue: 1977.
#1-nsv.8; 1957-1977

Excavations and surveys in Israel ('Atiqot: DS111/A1E96):

Latest issue: 2000.
#1-20; 1982-2000

Expedition (Expedition: GN1/E9): 

Latest issue: 1992. 
#10-[33]34; 1967-92
Chadwyck 1930-1995
Academic Search Complete 1996-

Gallia (Gallia: DC30/G3):

Latest issue: 2001. 
#27- ; 1969-

Gazette des Beaux-Arts (GBA: N2/G3):

Latest issue: 2002. 
#ser.1v.1-25; 1859-1868, ser.2v.1-29,31-38; 1869-1888, ser.3v.1-40; 1889-1908, ser.4v.1-15; 1909-1919, ser.5v.1-18; 1920-1928, ser.6v.1-[17]-[144]; 1929-2002

Geographical journal (GJ: G1):

Latest issue: Not known. 

1893-2004 (Vols. 1-170)
Wiley 2000-

Glossa (Glossa: P1/G56):

Latest issue: 1982.
#1-16; 1967-1982 in library

Glotta (Glotta: PA3/G5):

Latest issue: Not known.
Chadwyck 1907-1990
1909-2007 (1.-83. Bde.)

Gnomon (Gnomon: PA3/G6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#21- ; 1949-
1925-2004 (1.-76. Bde.)

Greece and Rome (G&R: DE1/G7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#v.1-22; 1931-1953 ser.2v.1-[11]-54; 1954-2007
 1931-2004 (Vol. 1 - Second Series Vol. 51)
Cambridge Journals 2001-

Greek heritage (DF10/G7):

Latest issue: 1965. 
#v.1-2; 1963-65

Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (GRBS: DE1/G73):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1958-

Gymnasium (Gymnasium: L31/G85):

Latest issue: Not known.
#46-[48]-[100]- ; 1935-

Habis (Habis: DE1/H33):

Latest issue: 1981.
#2-12; 1971-1981

Hadashot Arkhe’ologiyot (Atiqot: DS111/A1H3):

Latest issue: Not known. 

hadashot-esi 2004-

Harvard library bulletin (HLB: Z881/H343):

Latest issue: 1993. 
#1-[15]-36; 1947-1988 new ser.v.1-4; 1990-1993

Harvard studies in classical philology (HSPh: PA25/H3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1890-
1890-2004 (Vols. 1-102)

Harvard theological review (HThR: BR1/H3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#98- ; 2005-
1904-2004 (Vols. 1-97)
Cambridge journals 2001-

Hebraica (Hebraica: PJ3001):

Latest issue: 1895. 

1884-1889 (Vols. 1-11)

Hermathena (Hermathena: AS121/H5):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 102-103,106- ; 1966-

Hermes (Hermes: PA3/H5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1866-
1866-2005 (Vols. 1-133)

Hesperia (Hesperia: DF10/H4):

Latest issue: Not known.   
#1- ; 1932-
Atypon 2002-
1932-2006 (Vols. 1-75)

Historia (Historia: D51/H5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1950-
1950-2005 (Vols. 1-54)

Historische Zeitschrift (HZ: D1/H4):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#202-[284]- ; 1966-
1859-1999 (Bde. 1-269)
Atypon 2008-

History (History: D1/H7):

Latest issue: Not known.  
new ser.v.3-23[25]29,31-88; 1918-2003
06/01/1990 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

History and technology (Hist and Technol: T14.7/H5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-13; 1983-1997
03/01/1997 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

History of science (HS: Q125/H63):

Latest issue: Not known.   
#1-[12]-[30]- ; 1962-
Chadwyck 1962-1995
03/01/2003 to present

History of technology (HTechn: D1/H818):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1976-

History today (Hist Today: D1/H818):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[7]-[16]-[52]- ; 1951-
Chadwyck 1951-1995
Canadian Reference Centre 1975-

Horizon (Horizon: AP2/H7):

Latest issue: 1989.
#1-[20-21]-[23]-32; 1958-1989

Illinois classical studies (ICS: PA25/I55):

Latest issue: Not known.
1-15,17- ; 1976-

Indogermanische Forschungen (IF: P501/I4):

Latest issue: 1995. 
#68-96; 1963-1991

International journal of nautical archaeology (IJNA: CC77/I58):

Latest issue: 1990. 
#3-19; 1974-1990

International journal of the classical tradition (IJCT: PN883/I55):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#8-[13-14]- ; 2001-
SpringerLink 1997-
Academic Search Complete 06/01/1994 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Iraq (Iraq: DS78/A2I7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#36- ; 1974-
1934-2004 (Vols. 1-66)

Isis (Isis: Q125/I7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
# 38-[42]- ; 1947-
Chicago Journals 2002-

Israel exploration journal (IEJ: DS111/A1I8):

Latest issue: Not known. ;
#39- ; 1989-

Jahrbuch des Deutsches Archäologischen Institut (JdI: CC27/J3):

Latest issue: Not known.
#102- ; 1987-

Journal of archaeological science (JAS: CC1/J66):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#3-[12]-[31]; 1976-2004

Journal of early christian studies (JECS: BR66/J67):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#9-11; 2001-2003
Chadwyck 1981-1995

Journal of ecclesiastical history (JEH: BR140/J6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1/50; 1950/99

Journal of economic history (J Econ Hist: HC10):

Latest issue: Not known.  

1927-2004 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 57)
Business Source Complete 08/01/1965 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Journal of egyptian archaeology (JEA: DT57/J65):

Latest issue: 1934.
#3[5,9-10,18]-20; 1916-1934
1914-2004 (Vols. 1-90)

Journal of field archaeology (JFA: CC1/J69): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1974-
1974-2006 (Vols. 1-31)

Journal of glass studies (JGS: NK5100/J6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1,3,10,14- ; 1959-

Journal of hellenic studies (JHS: DF10/J8):

Latest issue: 2009. 
#1-129; 1880-2009
1880-2006 (Vols. 1-126)

Journal of library history (JLH: Z721/J68):

Latest issue: 1994.
#1-7; 1966-1972

Journal of near eastern studies (JNES: DS41/J6):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-22,24-[26]- 1942
1942-2004 (Vols. 1-63)
Chicago Journals 2003-

Journal of philology (JP: PA1/J7):

Latest issue: 1920.
#1-35; 1868-1920

Journal of religion (JR: BR1/J6):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#85- ; 2005-
Chadwyck 2004-
1921-2004 (Vols. 1-84)

Journal of roman military equipment studies (JRMES: U35/J68):

Latest issue: 2002.
# 2-10,12/13 ; 1991-

Journal of roman pottery studies (JRPS: NK3850/J6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1986-

Journal of roman studies (JRS: DG11/J7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-99; 1911-2009
Cambridge Journals 2005-
1911-2006 (Vols. 1-96)

Journal of the history of ideas (JHI: CB3/J7):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-[27]-64; 1940-2003
1940-2006 (Vols. 1-67)
Project Muse 1996-

Journal of the society of architectural historians (JSAH: NA1/S6):

Latest issue: 1944.
#1-4; 1941-44
 1941-1944 (Vols. 1-4)

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (JWI: AS122/L8515):

Latest issue: Not known.
#3- ; 1939-
1939-2006 (Vols. 3-69)
Ingenta Connect 2007-

Kadmos (Kadmos: CN350/K3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-43; 1962-2004
Swetswise 2003-

Kernos (Kernos: BL700/K4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#7- ; 1994-

Klio (Klio: D51/B4a):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 6-36,48- ; 1906-
1901-1921, 1926-1995

Ktema (Ktema: DE1/K8):

Latest issue: 2003.
#10-28; 1985-2003

Language (Language: P1/L3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[59]-79; 1925-2003
1925-2004 (Vols. 1-80)
Project Muse 2001-

Latomus (Latomus: PA2002/L3):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-12,24- ; 1937-

Levant (Levant: DS56/L48):

Latest issue: Not known.
#32- ; 2000-

Liverpool classical monthly (LCM: PA1/L5):

Latest issue: 1995.
#12-20; 1987-1995

Lustrum (Lustrum: PA3/L8):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1956-

Maia (Maia: PA9/M3):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-6,8-16,24- ; 1948-

Mariner's mirror (Mariner's Mirror: VK1/M3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1- ; 1911-

Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici (MD: PA1/A1M3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#44- ; 2000-

Mediaeval Studies (MS: D111/M44):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1939-

Mediterranean archaeology (MedArch: DE1/M44):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 11- ; 1998-

Medium aevum (MAev: PB1/M35):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1932-
Literature Online 2005-

Melanges de l’Ecole Francaise de Rome (MEFRA: D111/M55): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#111- ; 1999-

Memoirs of the american academy in Rome (MAAR: DG12/A575):

Latest issue: Not known.
# 4-5,12,14,17-18,22,30- ; 1924-

Metis (Metis: PA1/A1M4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-13; 1986-1998 n.s.1- ; 2003-

Mind (Mind: B1/M6):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-116; 1876-2007

Minos (Minos: P1035/M5):

Latest issue: 2003.
#1-19,23-29/30,33/34-37/38; 1951-2002/03

Mnemosyne (Mnemosyne: PA9/M6):

Latest issue: Not known.  
#ser.4v.18- ; 1965
1852-2004 (D. 1ste - Fourth Series Vol. 57)
Ingenta Connect 1948-

Monuments Piot (MMAI: N13/A25):

Latest issue: 2000.
 #46-[48]-[52]-79; 1952-2000

Mouseion [formerly Classical Views, Echos du monde classique] (Mouseion: PA1/C47):

Latest issue: 1962.
#1-7; 1956-62

Museum Helveticum (MH: PA3/M73):

Latest issue: Not known.
1- ; 1944-

Neophilologus (NPh: PB5/N38):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-83; 1916-1999
Chadwyck 1915-1995

Nestor (Nestor: DE1/N4):

Latest issue: Not known.
# v.2- ; 1964-

Nikephoros: Zeitschrift fhur Sport und Kultur im Altertum (Nikephoros: GV573/N54):

Latest issue: Not known.
#12- ; 1999-

Numismatic literature (NL: Z6866/A53):

Latest issue: 1994.
#82-108,110-123,125-132; 1969-1994

Oral tradition (OralT: GR72/O68):

Latest issue: Not known.
UVic library #13-21; 1998-2006

Osiris (Osiris: Q1/O7):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-15; 1936-1968 ser.2v.1- ; 1985-
Chicago Journals 2006-
1936-2005 (Vol. 1 - 2nd Series Vol. 20)

Oxford journal of archaeology (OJA: CC1/O9):

Latest issue: Not known.
#8-21; 1989-2002
Academic Search Complete 03/01/1998 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Oxyrhyncus Papyri (POxy: PA3315/O8):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1898-

Papers of the British School at Rome (PBSR: DG12/B85):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-23,25-28,30- ; 1902-

Philological quarterly (PhQ: P1/P45):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[26]-[33-35]-[39]-[51]- ; 1922-
Chadwyck 1922-1995
Lion Chadwyck 1997-2007

Philologus (Philologus: PA3/P5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-20,74,76-78,84-85,87-90,98-99,107- ; 1846-

Philosophical quarterly (PhilosQ: B1/P42):

Latest issue: 1966. 
#[37]-39; 1965-66

Philosophical review (PhR: B1/P45):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#51-118; 1942-2009
1892-2006 (Vols. 1-115)
Philosophical Review 2000-

Philosophy (Philosophy: B1/P55):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#v.6-[63]-82; 1931-2007
1931-2004 (Vols. 6-79)
Cambridge Journals 1998-

Phoenix (Phoenix: PA1/P48):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1946-
1946-2006 (Vols. 1-60)
ProQuest 2002- access to full text available 3 years after publication

Phronesis (Phronesis: B1/P65):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-7,10- ; 1955-

Proceedings of the African Classical Association (PACA: PA1/P7):

Latest issue: 1983.
#1-8,10-17; 1958-1983

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (PAPhS: Q11/P5):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-[29-30]-102,104- ; 1838-
1838-2006 (Vols. 1-150)

Proceedings of the Virgil Society (PVS: PA6826/V5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1961/62-

Quaderni Urbinati (QUCC: PA9/Q34):

Latest issue: Not known.
 #v.17-41,43-44,46- ; 1974-

Ramus (Ramus: PA3013/R34):

Latest issue: Not known.
#3- ; 1974-

Religious studies (RelStud: BL1/R37):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#1-43; 1965-2007
Cambridge Journals 1997-

Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire (RBPh: P2/R4):

Latest issue: 1998. 
#45-[76]; 1967-1998

Revue de philologie (RPh: PA2/R4):

Latest issue: 1995. 
ser.3v.39-41; 1965-1967
Cairn 2001-

Revue des Études Anciennes (REA: PA2/R43):

Latest issue: Not known.
 #1- ;1899-

Revue des Études Grecques (REG: DF10/R4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-40,80- ; 1888-

Revue des Études Latines (REL: PA2002/R4):

Latest issue: 2000.
#7-14,16-24,26- ; 1929-

Rheinisches museum (RhM: PA3/R4):

Latest issue: Not known.
s3v.1-51,55,57,61,63-64,66,68,70-78,81-84,93- ; 1842-

Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica (RFIC: PA9/R5): 

Latest issue: Not known.
#96- ; 1968-
1873-1927, 1929-1931, 1950-2000 only

Rivista storica dell'antichitè (RSA: DE1/R5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#17/18- ; 1987/88-

Saalburg-Jahrbuch (SJ: DD901/S11A15):

Latest issue: 2005.
#22- ; 1965-

Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten (SBAU: PA3316/P74 1974):

Latest issue: 2007.
Bd. 1-3, 6-13; Bd. 14, Heft 1-3; Bd. 15; Bd. 16, Heft 1-3; Bd. 17-24; Bd. 25; Bd. 26; Bd. 27, T. 1

Scripta Classica Israelica (SCI: PA1/S3):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1974-

Scriptorium (Scriptorium: Z108/S35):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1946-

Speculum (Speculum: CB351/S7):

Latest issue: Not known.   
#1-[84]- ; 1926-
Cambridge Journals 2005-
1926-2004 (Vols. 1-79)

Studi Etruschi (SE: DG223/S83):

Latest issue: 2007.
#45- ; 1977-

Studies in conservation (StudConserv: N8560/S82):

Latest issue: Not known.
#[11-13]-[15]- ; 1966-
1952-2004 (Vols. 1-49)

Studies in the history and philosophy of science (SHPS: Q125/S88):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-[8]-[31]; 1970-2000

Supplementum epigraphicum graecum (SEG: CN360/S9):

Latest issue: 2005.
# 1-21,26-29,37- ; 1923/24-

Symbolae osloenses (SO: PA19/S79):

Latest issue: Not known.
#2-81; 1924-2006
Academic Search Complete 09/01/2000 to present (with a 12 Month delay)

Syria (Syria: DS94.5/S8):  

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1920-
1920-2004 (T. 1-81)

Technology and culture (T&C: T1/T27):

Latest issue: 2004.
#[8]-[10]-[14]-44; 1967-2003
Chadwyck 1959-1995
1959-2004 (Vols. 1-45)
Project Muse 1998-

Traditio (Traditio: D111/T7):

Latest issue: Not known.
#22- ; 1966-

Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association (ProcPhilAs: P11/A52):

Latest issue: 1977.
#104-107; 1974-77

Transactions of the American Philological Association (TAPhA: P11/A5):

Latest issue: 1972.
#28-78,80-84,86-94,96-103; 1897-1972
1897-1972 (Vols. 28-103)

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (TAPhS: Q11/P6):

Latest issue: 2006. 
y #nsv.[23,28,31-32,35,38,40-42,44-49]-[82-83,85-86,95]; 1933-2005
JSTOR 1769-2006 (Vol. 1 - New Series Vol. 96)

Vergilius (Vergilius: PA6826/V4):

Latest issue: 1940.
1,3-4; 1938-1940

Vergilius (Vergilius: PA6826/V41):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-30,32- ; 1956-

Viator (Viator: CB351/V52):

Latest issue: 1995.
#1-27; 1970-1996

Vigiliae Christianae (VChr: BR66/V5):  

Latest issue: Not known.
#59- ; 2005-

Wiener Studien (WS: PA3/W5):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1- ; 1879-
Swetswise  2004-

Word (Word: P1/W6):

Latest issue: 2005.
#1- ; 1945-

World Archaeology (WorldArch: CC1/W6):

Latest issue: Not known.
#1-39; 1969-2007
Informaworld 2000-
1969-2006 (Vols. 1-38)

Yale classical studies (YCIS: PA25/Y3):

Latest issue: Not known. 
#3-4,6- ; 1932-

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (ZPalV: DS111/A1Z4):

Latest issue: Not known.
#110- ; 1994-

Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE: PA3339/Z4):

Latest issue: 2006.
#41- ; 1981-
1967-2006 (Bde. 1-158)