

Gifts from alumni, emeriti faculty members and friends of the Department of Greek and Roman Studies help us continue to grow and succeed.

We welcome and appreciate gifts of all sizes—the collective support of our many generous friends provides the margin of excellence that will distinguish our teaching and research.

And because every gift—regardless of its size or type—supports our mission of educating the next generation, you are investing in the future. For that, we are very grateful.

Donations to awards such as the Peter L. Smith Scholarship in Greek and Roman Studies and the Gordon and Hilda Fitch Scholarship are what make education possible for countless students – without donor support many students would never have the opportunity to reach their full potential.  An award is a powerful motivator that builds confidence and encourages students to strive to do their best.

Your philanthropic support empowers our students to pursue their passions and enables our academics to create more opportunities for interdisciplinary studies to prepare engaged citizens for a global society.

or contact the Development Office at leadershipgiving3@uvic.ca or call 250-721-8044 to discuss what you’d like to achieve with your giving.