
Reading room

Greek and Roman Studies Reading Room

Greek and Roman Studies Reading Room

Greek and Roman Studies Reading Room

Greek and Roman Studies Reading Room

Robertson Collection

Robertson Collection

Reading Room study corner

Reading Room study corner

The Reading Room is in Clearihue B414, near the department office, with a spectacular view of Haro Strait and Mount Baker. It is open to all students taking Greek and Roman Studies courses who have a need to use the collection.  It is a spacious, pleasant study space, with an excellent reference collection of over 3,000 volumes. Books from the catalogued collection do not circulate.

The standard reference works available are:

  • Cambridge Ancient History
  • Cambridge Ancient Literature
  • Fragmente der griechischen Historiker
  • Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae
  • Oxford Classical Dictionary
  • Real-Encyclopädie
  • Roscher's Ausführliches Lexikon
  • Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecum

The Reading Room also has an array of lexicons and classical encyclopedias, the complete Loeb library, and a large selection of standard editions and commentaries for Greek and Latin authors.  In addition, there are complete sets of the Oxford Classical Texts and Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (aka "green and yellows"), as well as significant holdings of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana and the Collection Budé.