
Audiovisual materials

Department Slide Collection:

The Department has an excellent covering all areas of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and technology.

Lansdowne lectures

The Department of Greek and Roman studies has digitised the entire catalog of videotaped GRS Lansdowne Lectures.  They are now available for online viewing.

Other lectures and performances

Provost's Lecturers: Professor John Oleson
Distinguished Professor of Humanities, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø
Provost's Lecturers: Professor Keith Bradley
Eli J. Shaheen Professor of Classics, University of Notre Dame

Visiting lecturers:

Dr. Wendell Clausen - Harvard University -
Dr. John H. Finley Jr.
Dr. John Th. Kakabidis
Dr. Hugh Lloyd-Jones - Oxford University
Dr. Masaaki Kubo - University of Tokyo
Dr. William Bodell - Standford University

UVic students perform Aristophanes

Available through the :

Greek Tragedy

The Oresteia

Directed by Peter Hall, 1983.

Translation of Aeschylus' trilogy by Tony Harrison.

A National Theatre of Great Britain production.

1. Agamemnon.

2. Choephori (Libation-Bearers).

3. Eumenides.


1987. BBC production.

English translation of Sophocles' play by Don Taylor.

With Juliet Stevenson (Antigone), John Shrapnel (Creon), John Gielgud (Tiresias).

Gospel at Colonus

Adapted and directed by Lee Breuer, 1985.

Music by Bob Telson.

A performance at the American Music Theater Festival in Philadelphia

(Another copy is stored in B412.)

Oedipus at Colonus

1987. BBC production.

With Anthony Quayle (Oedipus), Juliet Stevenson (Antigone), John Shrapnel (Creon)
Oedipus the King

1987. BBC production.

With Michael Pennington (Oedipus), Claire Bloom (Jocasta), John Gielgud (Tiresias).

Oedipus the King

Directed by Philip Saville, 1967.

English translation of Sophocles' play by Paul Roche.

With Christopher Plummer (Oedipus), Orson Welles (Tiresias).


1982. Kennedy Center production.

English version of Euripides' play by Robinson Jeffers.

With Zoe Caldwell (Medea) and Judith Anderson (Nurse).


Directed by Peter Steadman, 1985.

In the Greek of Euripides, with subtitles; music by Eve Beglarian.

With Lavinia Lorch (Medea). New York Greek Drama Company.

Trojan Women

Directed by Michael CacoYannis, 1971.

English version of Euripides' play by Edith Hamilton.

With Katharine Hepburn (Hecuba), Genevieve Bujold (Cassandra), Vanessa Redgrave (Andromache), Irene Pappas (Helen).

Staging Greek Tragedy 1982. University of Warwick.

Other Videocassettes

The Power of Myth (6 videocassettes) Joseph Campbell
Satyricon Fellini
Frogs By Aristophanes, l991.

London Small Theatre Company (now Aquila Productions), Director Peter Meineck


In Search of the Trojan War B412

  1. The Age of the Heroes
  2. The Legend under Siege
  3. The Singer of Tales
  4. The Women of Troy
  5. Empire of the Hittites
  6. The Fall of Troy
Trajan's Column
Ancient Greece Kept in the Curriculum Laboratory
Ancient Rome Kept in the Curriculum Laboratory
Greek and Roman Sports Kept in the Curriculum Laboratory
Religion in Roman Life Kept in the Curriculum Laboratory
Slaves in Ancient Rome Kept in the Curriculum Laboratory


Available through the

Clouds Adapted from Aristophanes. (By the Open University)
Cradle of England series

Narrated by Barry Cunliffe

Age of Aggression

Comparison of fighting methods of native Celts and invading Romans.

Age of Affluence

Description of settled conditions in Britain after the Roman conquest.

Emperor and Slave: the Philosophy of Roman Stoicism B412 Dramatizations of extracts from Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus, with commentary.
Ingenium Romae B412 Latin version of The Spirit of Rome, with Latin subtitles for a scene from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
Syrin (National Film Board, 3 mins.)

Audio cassettes


Greek (and Myth)

Aeschylus Agamemnon (Bradfield College) JGF
Benjamin Britten Six Metamorphoses After Ovid, Op. 49 JGF
Euripides Bacchae (Bradfield College) JGF
The Gift of Legends Conversations between Michael Ayrton & Yehudi Menuhin
The Iliad of Homer Books 1-6, read by Stephen G. Daitz B409
Sophocles Antigone (by Swedish students) JGF
Sophocles Antigone (Columbia University) JGF
Spoken Greek Prose (3 copies) Thucyd. 2.65.5-13, Demosth. Phil . 1.40-42, De Corona 199-205, Plato Apol . 41c8-42 (end), Phaedo 117a4-end, Resp . III 401bl-d3, V 473c8-e2
Spoken Greek Verse (Discourses) (3) Homer, Iliad 6.440-493; Sappho (OBGV 141); Ps-Anacreon (OBGV 180); Aesch. Ag . 503-37, 551-82, 636-80, Soph. O .C 668-719, Eur. Tro.740-79, Ba . 977-1023, Aristoph. Av. 227-62, Callimachus OBGV 513


Cambridge Latin Course Units I, II (2nd edn.) B409
Cambridge Latin Course Unit III (2nd edn.) B409
Cambridge Latin Course Unit IlI (1st edn.) (3 copies)
Cambridge Latin Course

Unit IV (1st edn.) (2)

Pliny, Catullus, Martial, Tacitus, Ovid

Classics of Latin Poetry and Prose Extracts from Cic. Cat., various poems of Catullus and Horace
Horace, Odes Read by John Hazel et al.
Horace, Satires

1.1, 4, 6, 9, 10, read by Peter L. Smith

Juvenal, Satires 1 and 3, read by Peter L. Smith
Latin Readings Volume 1 (2)

Cic. Rep . 3.22.33; Caes. Gall. 4.25; Livy Praef : 6-11; Tac. Ann . 1.7; L.P.

Wilkinson, Public Oration ; Plautus Curc . 147-80, Ter. Haut . 53-81; Lucr. 1.1-24, 3.830-42, 894-911, Catullus 13, 43, 76, Verg. Ecl . 5.45-84, Aen . 2.1-20, 21-56, 268-97, 4.630-58, Horace Odes 1.5, Satires 1.9, Archipoeta Confessio 1-28, 37-48.

Orff, Carmina Burana

(Deutsche Grammophon) JGF

The Poems of Catullus Read by Victoria Bentata
Selections from Catullus and Horace Read by Robert P. Sonkowsky B409

"The Living Voice of Greek and Latin" series

Sounds of the Roman World (Archaeologica Musica)
Vergil, Eclogues and Georgic s 1-2, read by Peter L. Smith Language Centre
P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Libri 1-6, read by Peter L. Smith

A complete recording on six cassettes, made by PLS in 1981

Vox Romana (3 copies) I. Roman Legends from Livy & Ovid

Romulus & Remus (Livy 1.6.3-7.3, Ovid Fasti 4.809-18, 835-50); Brutus Gamp, the Tarquins (Livy 1.56, Ovid Fasti 2.713-20); Hercules &, Cacus (Livy 1.7.3-7, Ovid Fasti 1.547-78)

II. Short readings of Verse and Prose

Catullus 31, 3, 101; Horace, Odes 1.8, 4.7; Caesar Gall. 4.24; Cicero Cat. 1. 1-2; 0 Roma Nobilis ; St. Bonaventure, St. Francis and the Birds.

III. Six passages firom Virgil

Ecl. 4.4-21, Georg. 2.136-57, 4.485-503, Aen. 5.843-61, 6.450-71, 12.926-54.


Spoken Greek Verse (2 copies) See details under "Audiocassettes"
Greek Verse, Greek Prose (Discourses) Read by Konrat Ziegler
Homer, Od. 1.1-10; Soph. O.T. 1-13, 1524-30, 151-89, Aristoph. Ach. 204-33, Xen. Anab. 1. 1. 1-6, Thucyd. 1.1.1-2, 1. 2, 1. 21-22, Plato Apol. 1
Plato: On the Death of Socrates Read by Moses Hadas

Extracts from Apology and Phaedo.

Spoken Greek Prose (2 copies) See details under "audio cassettes"
Modern Greek Heroic Oral Poetry (Folkways Records)
Sophocles Antigone (Columbia University)


Cicero (Read by Moses Hadas)
Cat. I, De Sen., Tusc. I, De Off : I xxv 85-86, Ad Att.
Julius Caesar (Read by Moses Hadas)
Gall. 1.1, 4.24, 25, 26, 5.45, 46, 48, 4.17-18, 6.13, Civ. 1.11, 74, 3.47-48,3.90.
The Latin Language (Read by Moses Hadas)
Short extracts from the Elder, Cicero, Lucretius, Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Ovid, Seneca, Tacitus, Apuleius, Jerome, Augustine, Mystery Plays, Veni Sancte
Spiritus, Thomas Aquinas, Bernard of Cluny, Stabat Mater, Carmina Burana, Luther, Toplady
The Latin Language Volume 1 (3)
See details under "audio cassettes"
Latin Readings Volume 2
Scenes from Terence, Eunuchus and Adelphi.
Latin Readings Volume 3
Livy 2.32, Cic. Verr. 2.4.3-4, Pro Archia 7.15-10.22, Sall. Cat.. 52, Tac. Ann. 1.42-43, Aug. Conf. 4.16- 18
Latin Readings Read by John F.C. Richards
1.4, 9, 11, 16, 17, 38; 2.2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 16; 3.13, 16, 21; 4.7, 9, 12.
Odes of Horace By John F.C. Richards
1.1-11, 254-96, 446-63; 2. 1-20, 40-56, 234-45, 361-69, 601-23. 771-94; 4.296-330, 331-61; 6.298-330, 450-76, 713-51, 826-63.
Readings from Virgil: Aeneid By Mario A. Pei
[i.e. ecclesiastical pronunciation!]
Caes. Gall. 1-2, 31, 54; Cic. Cat. 1.1-6, 3.26, Pro Archia 11
Readings in Church Latin: Caesar and Cicero By Mario A. Pei
Verg. Aen. 1.1-33, 2.1-104, 6.124-55, 808-53
Horace Odes 1.9, 14, 22, 2.14, 3.30, l.l
Readings in Church Latin: Caesar and Cicero Directed by L.A. Moritz
Vox Romana I. Roman legends from Livy & Ovid
Vox Romana II. Short Readings of Verse and Prose
Vox Romana III. Six passages from Virgil
See details under "audio cassettes"