
Academic projects

Katrina Fukuka, Gender Studies JCURA recipient 2014
Katrina Fukuka, Gender Studies JCURA recipient 2014

Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award (JCURA)

The Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards () were instituted in 2009-10 as the Undergraduate Research Scholarship program by the Vice-President Academic and Provost. The awards are designed to provide support for exceptional undergraduate students who might otherwise not be able to obtain a direct research experience as a part of what we anticipate should be a truly formative learning experience. The Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC) administers the award nomination process on behalf of the Provost’s Office.

2022-23 Gender Studies JCURA Recipients

Adrian Dunkerson  “Protect Our Children”: The Parallels of Transphobia and Anti-Autistic Ableism

2021-22 Gender Studies JCURA Recipients

Laura Kellough-Pollock Feminist Vengeance? Rape-Revenge Film and Women’s Empowerment

Beau Houle  My Mother was an Archivist: Exploring the Worldbuilding Potential of Queer Archives Through Theory and Autoethnography

2017-18 Gender Studies JCURA Recipients

Jacqueline Kittel's JCURA project was Women in the Cannabis Industry: Is there a "Green Ceiling?". Jacqueline was supervised by Dr. Annalee Lepp. Jacqueline's JCURA poster is on display in the Clearihue Building, B wing, ground floor.

Amara MacFarlane was another JCURA recipient this year. Amara researched Outdoor Adventure and LGBTQ Youth Empowerment and was supervised by Dr. Laura Parisi.

Morghan Watson's JCURA research focused on Nationalist Feminism and the Canadian Eugenics Movement. Dr. Sikata Banerjee was Morghan's supervisor.

2017-18 Honours

Morghan Watson and Emily Wiesenthal successfully defended their Honours theses in April 2018. Morghan's thesis was titled "Bodies of the Nation: Gender, Nationalism and Race in Suffrage and Sterilization." Emily researched and wrote on "Canada's Game: Gender, Race, and Nation in the Great White North."

Past GNDR 400B and GNDR 499 projects

GNDR 400B "Research Seminar for Independent Project" was first offered in 1988, and GNDR 499 "Honours Graduating Essay" in 1996-97, and students in these courses have produced many interesting projects.  Most are housed in the Gender Studies Reading Room, Clearihue B115, for other students to consult.  Here is a sample of titles.

  • Acknowledging Territories: Contextualizing Canada and Settler Responsibilities

  • The Narratives of Chinese Immigrant Girls in Canada on Health, Physical Activity, Fitness and Leisure

  • Transracial Representation in Children's Literature

  • Selfies: a Symbol of Self-Love and Body Positivity
  • Frames of Injustice: Colonial Continuities and (Neo)Imperialism in the G8 Maternal Healthcare Controversy

  • "The Stories That Feed Us" Indigenous Women Conceptualizing, Envisioning and Creating Food Sovereignty

  • Exploring Midwifery Support During Caesarean Births in Victoria

  • Women in the Construction Workforce

  • Fit for Motherhood? An Analysis of Gender, Citizenship and Health in Canadian Print Media

  • Dare You to Look: Dragging Masculinity Out of the Closet

  • Is Canada a 'Human Rights Haven'?: The Gaps in Canada's Trafficking Policies

  • Toxic Bits and Chemical Tits: A Complex Ecology of Health

  • Today's Enslavement: A Feminist Critique of Animal Cruelty and Veganism

  • The Superpower of In/Visibility: Creative queer self-representation in digital superhero fandoms
  • Women in the Cannabis Industry: Is There a “Green” Ceiling?

  • Women and the Corporate Food System: Realities and Resistance

  • Knowledge is Power: Prospective Indigenous Students' Handbook

  • Being Race(d) and Erased: Theorizing Difference in Canadian Multicultural Education

  • Accommodation Without Stigma: The Intersections of Mental Illness and Disability

  • On Common Ground: The Role of Transnational Feminist Networks in the 'Anti-Globalization' Movement

  • Sketching the Politics of Aboriginal Authenticity

  • Embodied Politics: A multifaceted look at how neo-burlesque performers in Victoria, BC are politicizing performance

  • Food for Thought: A Reflection on Body Image, Dysphoria and Fat Phobia

  • Why Alternative Media? How to get Involved in Community Radio: A Step by Step Guide for Inspired Individuals