
Plagiarism policy and writing help

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Writing well is often a struggle. Get help from the Centre for Academic Communication - see below.

Gender studies policy on plagiarism and multiple submission

In accordance with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's Policy on Academic Integrity, the Department of Gender Studies does not condone plagiarism. Students who are found to have engaged in unethical academic behavior, including the practices described below, are subject to penalty.

A student commits plagiarism when they:

  • submit the work of another person in whole or in part as original work
  • give inadequate attribution to an author or creator whose work is incorporated into the student’s work, including failing to indicate clearly (through accepted practices within the discipline, such as footnotes, internal references and the crediting of all verbatim passages through indentations of longer passages or the use of quotation marks) the inclusion of another individual’s work
  • paraphrase material from a source without sufficient acknowledgment as described above

The UVic libraries website has , including a very good document titled "Avoiding Plagiarism."

Other violations of academic integrity are:

  • unauthorized use of an editor
  • multiple submission
  • falsifying materials
  • cheating on work, tests, exams
  • aiding others to cheat

Procedures for Dealing with Violation of Academic Integrity

Procedures for determining the nature of alleged violations involve primarily the course instructor and the Chair. Procedures for determining an appropriate penalty also involve Deans, the Vice-President Academic and Provost and, in the most serious cases, the President.

The Centre for Academic Communication (formerly the Writing Centre)

The CAC offers support to help you develop your academic communication skills. In addition to writing support, we can help you improve your understanding of academic expectations, what to think about when planning a presentation, and hone your academic English. The CAC is located on the main floor of the Library, in the Learning Commons, in Rooms 135J - M.