
Careers in gender studies

Blaise Bazuik
Blaise Bazuik (Gender Studies, 2013) worked as UVic's Aboriginal Service Plan Projects Coordinator.

What will you do with your gender studies degree?

Gender studies encourages students to examine the role of gender in society and how it interacts with other forms of difference including Indigenous and racialized identities, class, sexuality, ability, age, etc. This important social justice perspective and the confidence you’ll gain pursuing a gender studies degree will prepare you for success in whatever path you choose.

Many employers are looking for people with a strong understanding of diversity and equity and who are skilled in working with diverse groups of people. The skills you’ll gain in group facilitation, research, public speaking, critical thinking, persuasive writing and understanding complex concepts and their inter-relationships will make you an asset to any workplace.

Gender studies graduates work in various sectors of the job market including government, education, health, law, social services, arts, communications and media, marketing and non-profit and social justice organizations.

Some career options for gender studies graduates

  • Artist/filmmaker
  • Communications Officer
  • Counsellor
  • Cultural programs coordinator
  • Diversity officer
  • HR coordinator
  • International development
  • Journalist
  • Legal professional
  • Librarian/archivist
  • Midwife
  • Outreach worker
  • Program or project manager
  • Public policy analyst
  • Research consultant
  • Sexual health, inclusion, anti-racism, sexualized violence educator
  • Social media manager
  • Student services
  • Teacher/instructor
  • Volunteer coordinator

Additional education and training may be required.

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