
Alumnae and alumni

Convocating student jumps for joy

Since the first BA in women's studies was granted in the early 1990s, many wonderful students have completed a women's/gender studies degree at UVic. Have you ever wondered what other graduates are doing? 

Some have gone on to graduate studies in various disciplines, and quite a few have continued their studies in Law. Many work in the social services field, managing women's centres and services, providing support for immigrants, advocating for different groups, working with youth and people with disabilities, educating about sexual health, and more.

Some are filmmakers or journalists. Plenty are parents. A few are professors; some teach elementary, middle or secondary school. Several have travelled extensively, teaching English. One owns and manages a B&B (Bed and Breakfast) in Costa Rica; another is a First Nations Councillor.  There are gender studies grads who work for the BC government in various ministries. Social activists abound, bringing awareness to issues and working for change.

No matter what you're doing, we hope that the knowledge and skills you developed in your women's/gender studies courses continue to be relevant in your life. 

Join the Facebook group to network with other past and current WS/GNDR students, find out what's going on in the department, and more!