

Academic Writing Requirement courses

The university offers the following courses that satisfy the Academic Writing Requirement (AWR). Note that taking an academic writing course (and meeting the AWR) early in your program will help you succeed in all of your other courses.

  • ATWP 135: Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing (1.5 units)
  • ATWP 110: Academic Writing Support and Development (3.0 units)
  • ENSH 101: Themes in Literature (1.5 units), offered by the Department of English
  • ENSH 102: Literature in Action (1.5 units), offered by the Department of English
  • ENGR 110: Design and Communication 1 (2.5 units), for Engineering students only

We know that this is a lot of information to take in! Please look at our  Which course is right for me page to get a better understanding of each class.

Additional ATWP courses

  • ATWP 101 Fundamentals of Academic Literacy doesn't satisfy the AWR, but it prepares students to do well in any AWR-designated courses.
  • ENGR 120 Design and Communications 2 (offered by the Faculty of Engineering). Available to students following completion of an AWR-designated course.
  • ENGR 240 Technical Writing is available to Engineering and Computer Science students following successful completion of an AWR-designated course.
  • ATWP 250 Genres of Business Communication Effective business writing is both strategic and persuasive. In order to write strategically and persuasively in business contexts, you’ll want to learn about the different types of audiences you will encounter and how to meet their needs. This course will teach you business-specific writing strategies and processes.
  • ATWP 305 The Rhetoric of Health and Medicine This course focuses on the roles of rhetoric, writing, and discourse in the production, translation, and circulation of medical knowledge and health identities. This class is open to students that have successfully completed an AWR-designated course.

Program prerequisites 

There are no prerequisites for AWR-designated courses at UVic. If you’re worried about your ability to succeed, we recommend you take ATWP 101 before enrolling in ATWP 135 or other courses.

Note that a number of academic programs at UVic require students to take certain AWR-designated courses. It’s even possible that a student who enters the university having met the AWR with a test score or course grade will need to take an AWR course to complete a program requirement. Before registering for courses, check your  program requirements, and consult an  academic adviser if you need further guidance.