
Course registration

Classes that satisfy the 番茄社区's Academic Writing Requirement (AWR) fill very quickly (especially ATWP 135 as this class is also a prerequisite for a number of programs across campus). To ensure you have the best possible course selection, make sure you register as soon as you can.

Your registration date and time message will be sent to the email address you have set as 'Preferred' in your Online Tools "Personal Profile". To ensure this important email in not caught in your spam folder, we recommend that you add @uvic.ca to your email safe senders

  • Course timetable for the Winter session is released mid-May. For the Summer session, it is released mid-February.
  • Winter session registration for courses running September - April takes place in late June.
  • Summer session registration for courses running May - August takes place in March.

For students needing to satisfy the AWR, we strongly recommend registering in one of our classes as early in your degree as possible. Start planning your timetable and researching which AWR course is right for you as soon as the course timetable is available. 

Detailed instructions (step-by-step guides and how to videos) on course registration and how to add courses can be found here.

If you have questions or concerns regarding whether you have satisfied the Academic Writing Requirement (AWR) or about your course selection, please contact the academic adviser for your faculty or program. 

For registration support, the Student Support Services main office is located on the first floor of A-Wing in the Jamie Cassels Centre (JCC), and is open on weekdays (excluding statutory holidays). The Student Support Services office can also be reached by phone at 250-721-8121, via email at .


If you find that your preferred course or class section is full when you try to register, you should add yourself to the waitlist via Online Tools. (Review UVic’s course registration page for information on how to add yourself to a course waitlist.) It is then your responsibility as a student to check the email that UVic has on file for you. Offers to accept a waitlisted position will come through email, you will have 47 hours to accept an available seat in the class before the start of term, and 23 hours once the term has begun.

If you simply need to take the class at a particular time on a particular day, look at other sections. We often run a few sections of the same class in the same time slot, and putting yourself on the waitlist for one section won't move you into an empty seat in another section.

You might even consider if other sections with open seats will work with your schedule. AWR-designated classes fill up every year. Taking an open seat that will work is often a better idea than waiting for a spot in a section that meets at a more desirable time.

You should also look ahead to future terms. We run sections of AWR-designated courses every term as well as several in the summer. Enrolling in the course on the first possible day when you can register offers you the best possible chance of getting a seat.

And finally you might want to consider whether a different AWR-designated course will meet your needs. Look at the which course is right for me page to help you make a decision. 

Attending class while on a waitlist

Students who are on a class waitlist should contact the course instructor about how best to keep up with the work of the class. (Some instructors will ask waitlisted students to attend classes during the semester's add/drop period, usually the first two weeks of classes, and others will suggest students keep up by looking at the course site.) If students do not attend classes during this period or contact the instructor with a suitable explanation for their absence, they may be dropped from the class waitlist. 

In order for students enrolled in AWR-designated courses to receive the best possible instruction, classes must be a small as possible. Right now, that's a cap of 32 students for ATWP 135. Enrolling students above the class cap is detrimental to the learning environment. For that reason, we will normally not enroll any students beyond the class cap.