
Hands-on learning

hands on learning image
English students took a children’s book, published from 1800 to 1900, and found out as much as they could about the author, publisher, book seller, illustrator, binder and editor.

The best education comes from active learning. UVic offers rich opportunities for hands-on training and inquiry, including the following: 

Work study

The Work Study program allows you to work one-on-one with a professor in your field of study for up to 340 hours per year, if you hold a student loan.


Alternate your university studies with paid co-op terms. Gain valuable work experience, try out different jobs, and learn practical skills that will help prepare your for a fulfilling career—all while earning money that supports your education.

Field schools

Earn course credit while learning about colonial legacies in South Africa, about French language and culture in Paris, about the Holocaust while touring memorial sites in Europe, and about ancient civilizations while working on archaeological sites in Greece and Turkey.

Learn more about our field schools.

Community service learning

In a service-learning course, you earn course credit while combining community volunteering with academic study. See, for example, the French department's Experiential Learning (PDF).

Professional communication

Build a set of skills that allow you to communicate professionally in today’s workplace through our Professional Communication Minor. Courses prepare you for report writing, editing, visual and web design, writing for social media, and writing for business and government.

International experience and exchanges

We encourage you to travel and live in other countries in order to participate richly in the human experience. Choose from one of UVic's international field schoolsco-op placements or exchanges.

Humanities for the digital age

Learn about computing from a humanities perspective. In our Digital Humanities courses, you'll balance technical skills with critical reflection on new media and society.