
Careers in French

Co-op student working as a tour guide in Normandy
Studying French and participating in international co-op placements (like working as a tour guide at the Juno Beach Centre, Canada's Second World War museum and cultural centre in Normandy, France) prepares you for a world of career opportunities.

Being fluent in French opens the door to many exciting careers across Canada and , including opportunities in translation, diplomacy, law, teaching, journalism, writing, graduate school and many other professional sectors.

Our students gain essential professional and life skills: oral and written communication, critical and analytical thinking, and research—just to name a few.

Some career options for French graduates

  • Communications coordinator
  • Cultural programs coordinator
  • Entrepreneur
  • Foreign service officer
  • Human resources coordinator
  • Immigration/intelligence officer
  • International project coordinator
  • Legal professional
  • Librarian/archivist
  • Marketing
  • Program manager
  • Student services
  • Teacher/instructor
  • Translator/interpreter

Additional education and training may be required.

French teachers are in high demand in BC. Visit to find out more about open positions and career opportunities.

More information from UVic Co-op + Careers

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Meet our alumni

Anne-Sophie Cardinal

Anne-Sophie Cardinal a fait un baccalauréat à double majeures, en Français et Histoire de l'Art, à l'Université de Victoria. C'est grâce aux compétences acquises lors de son passage au Département de Français de UVic qu'elle s'est lancée dans le domaine de la traduction anglais-français, qu'elle pratique toujours à ce jour. Read more.

Mathieu Robitaille

Mathieu est premièrement venu à l’Université de Victoria pour compléter une maîtrise en histoire. Après avoir décroché son diplôme, il a éventuellement décidé de travailler dans le domaine de l’enseignement au niveau secondaire. Il voulait pouvoir enseigner le français, car les enseignants en immersion française étaient en haute demande mais il lui manquait certains crédits universitaires. Il a donc décidé d’obtenir ces crédits à UVic. Read more.

French - Major (2015)

Dylan Trerice

Teaching Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant
Department of French & Secondary Post-degree Professional Program student, Faculty of Education, UVic

Dylan is a specialist in French language acquisition and is currently completing his certification to be a secondary French Immersion teacher. During his MA, Dylan took his research in the field of French language acquisition abroad. After studying in France, he noticed a significant increase in his fluency and put his language skills to the test, successfully passing the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française exam. Read more.
French - Honours BA (2013), MA (2015)

Lauren Stamhuis

Student Exchange Advisor
International Student Services, 番茄社区

For much of her time as a recruiter, Lauren was the only French-speaking member of the team. She was proud to be able to reach out to students across Canada and various regions of the world in both national languages. She is now on secondment as a student exchange adviser in International Student Services—she sincerely believes there is great value in studying abroad, particularly when learning a language. Read more.
French - BA (2009), MA (2011)