
Tuition, scholarships and awards

Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award
Outstanding upper-year students can apply for a prestigious Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award worth $1,500.

How much will it cost to attend UVic?

You need to budget for tuition fees and living expenses, including on-campus housing, if you are moving away from home.

Financial help

Entrance scholarships

If you are an academically outstanding high school student, you may qualify for a UVic entrance scholarship ranging from a $2,000 to $5,000 one-time award.


Once you are at UVic, if you are concerned about being able to afford tuition, you should consider applying for a bursary, which is a non-repayable award based on financial need and sound academic standing.

Student loans

Students may also apply for repayable government student loans.

Work study

If you hold a student loan, you may be able to work off part the loan while at UVic and while gaining valuable work experience. Check out the Work Study program, which allows you to work in your field of study for up to 340 hours per year.

Academic awards

If you earn high marks at UVic, you may win one of many academic awards held by your department. There is no need to apply, but you should register your major, because many such awards are only offered to students registered in specific disciplines.

Outstanding upper-year students can apply for a prestigious Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award worth $1,500. These scholarships allow excellent students to do research in their chosen discipline under the supervision of a professor who is an expert in the field.

Research assistantships

Some professors hire students to help with their research. You might do library searches, check out sources, proofread articles, and generally get a view of what being a university researcher is like. If you want to apply to be an RA, you should talk to professors in your department about such jobs, providing a resume and references.