
Tuition and Awards

Tuition and Awards

Answers to questions about tuition, fees and other costs can be found at Graduate Tuition and costs. Specific questions about tuition, fees and other costs should be directed to Tuition and Fees staff.

The MSc and PhD programs are full-time only and require continuity of registration. UVic has 3 terms per year.  For tuition and fee purposes, you may consult the UVic Graduate Calendar: Regulations concerning tuition fees for graduate programs

MSc in Health Informatics On-Campus stream:  Regulations concerning tuition fees for graduate programs refer to Standard Tuition Fees for Students in Degree Programs

MSc in Health Informatics Distributed stream: Non-standard tuition and fees for selected programs refer to MSc Health Informatics (distributed program)

PhD in Health InformaticsNon-standard tuition and fees for selected programs refer to PhD in Health Informatics (HINF)

Graduate Certificate in Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards: Non-standard tuition and fees for selected programs

Students who are concurrently registered in a graduate degree program and Graduate Certificate in Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards program: Non-standard tuition and fees for selected programs refer to Concurrent registration program fee, Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards

Non-degree Studentsrefer to Standard Tuition for Non-degree Students

Non-degree Students covered by the Western Deans Agreement:  consult your institution’s tuition rates and policies.

Funding support

We continue to recognize exceptional students with graduate funding through individual awards. Awards are subject to total funds available and the number of qualified students.

PhD Student Funding

All students are reviewed for graduate student funding annually. Funding is based on academic performance. We will consider students with a GPA of A- (7.0) or higher and adequate academic progress in the first year. There is a maximum of 2 years of graduate student funding available from the School. Students on leave are not eligible for this funding. Students are encouraged to seek additional research funding opportunities through grants and additional financial assistance through University level awards, teaching assistantships and research assistantships.


  • 1st year in PhD program
    • PhD students meeting the eligibility requirements will receive an entrance award.
  • 2nd year in the PhD program
    • PhD students meeting the eligibility requirements and making adequate academic progress in the first year will be eligible for a second year of funding.
  • MSc to PhD transfer students
    • Students who began in the MSc program and have successfully applied to PhD program will be considered for PhD 1st year funds after their successful admission to the PhD program. Example: A student applying in December 2019 and receiving admission to the PhD program would receive first year PhD funding beginning in September 2020.   Eligibility criteria for MSc to PhD students is the same as PhD students.  

MSc Student Funding


  • 1st year in MSc program
    • UVic HINF Bachelor degree Alumni are eligible for a Graduate Student Entrance Award. HINF alumni applicants with a GPA of A- (7.0) or higher will be considered.  This is a one-time funding support. Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for one of two HINF alumni entrance awards. 
  • 2nd year or beyond in MSc program
    • Each year, each student is evaluated for graduate funding. There are no multi-year commitments.
    • For all students, funding is based on academic performance. We will only consider students with a GPA of A- (7.0) or higher. Students on leave are not eligible for this funding. Students may receive up to a maximum of 3 years funding.
    • It is anticipated that there will be very limited funds available for these awards and it is likely that the awards will not cover the cost of tuition. MSc students are strongly encouraged to seek University-level funding and external sources.

Additional information on graduate student funding can be found at: