
Academic Policies

Academic integrity

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Academic Integrity Violations include, but are not limited to: 

  • plagiarism (e.g., submitting someone else’s work as your own, not citing your sources)
  • unauthorized use of an editor
  • submitting the same work more than once
  • falsifying materials or data
  • cheating (e.g., having unauthorized materials such as a phone or notes during a test)
  • helping others cheat

For group submissions, all members of a group are responsible for the academic integrity of the work.

Penalties for violating academic integrity are severe and range from receiving a failing grade on the work to failing the course. Repeat offences can lead to disciplinary probation and permanent suspension. We encourage you to review the University’s Policy on Academic Integrity and we expect you to adhere to this policy in its entirety.

Professional Conduct

All students in the School of Health Information Science must follow the Faculty of Human and Social Development’s (HSD) Guidelines for Professional Conduct. The faculty supports models for professional conduct based on the following guidelines:

  • Submission of oneself to a professional code of ethics
  • Exercise of personal discipline, accountability and judgement
  • Acceptance of personal responsibility for continued competency and learning
  • Willingness to serve the public, client or patient and place them before oneself
  • Ability to recognize one's own limitations
  • Maintenance of confidentiality of information (including all electronic communication) appropriate to the purposes and trust given when that information was acquired
  • Acceptance that one's professional abilities, personal integrity and the attitudes one demonstrates in relationships with other persons are the measures of professional conduct

Health Informatics Professionals are embedded in a web of relationships that are subject to important ethical constraints. These include professional relationships with health care professionals, researchers, health care institutions and other agencies as well as working with the relationships of electronic health records and the subjects of those records within our professional practice. Two codes of ethics guide our professional conduct:

  • International Medical Informatics Association Code of Ethics 2016 found at:
  • COACH: Canada's Health Informatics Association 2012 Health Informatics Professional Core Competencies Appendix A COACH Ethical Principles found at:

Unauthorized Use of an Editor

An editor is an individual or service, other than the instructor or supervisory committee, who manipulates, revises, corrects or alters a student’s written or non-written work.

The use of an editor, whether paid or unpaid, is prohibited unless the instructor grants explicit written authorization. The instructor should specify the extent of editing that is being authorized.

Review by fellow students and tutoring that do not include editing are normally permitted. In addition to consulting with their instructors, students are encouraged to seek review of and feedback on their work that prompts them to evaluate the work and make changes themselves.

Graduate calendar policies and procedures

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Supervision policy

HINF Graduate Student Handbook 2023-2024

Annual Review checklist聽MSc聽or聽PhD聽forms

Annual Review checklist MSc or PhD forms

UVic Libraries Software and Data Management Workshops