
Graduate awards, scholarships & bursary

Through the WUSC (World University Service of Canada) program Atem Machar came to Canada and enrolled at the 番茄社区. Now, support from UVic donors is helping him complete his degree in Health Information Science.

Denis and Pat Protti Bursary

One or more bursaries are awarded to undergraduate or graduate students entering or continuing in the School of Health Information Science.

For more information visit:

General Bursary application: /registrar/safa/bursaries/index.php

Office of the Registrar - HINF Department Awards: /registrar/safa/entrance-scholarships/dept/HINF.php

Denis and Pat Protti Scholarships

Denis and Pat Protti

Denis and Pat Protti

Denis Protti, Pat Protti

This award was created by colleagues in honour of the Protti’s dedication to the field of health informatics. When Denis Protti (UVic health information science professor 1981-2010) announced he was stepping down as chair and founder of Partners in Productivity—a highly respected forum for professionals in the health care delivery sector— Professor Protti received more than the standard farewell.

His colleagues raised over $100,000 to establish the Denis and Pat Protti endowment fund for health information science. After a three-month fundraising blitz, contributions poured in.

The Protti Scholarship now has endowments that support one or more students each year.

Denis and Pat Protti Scholarships


  • One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding graduate students who have completed a minimum of one term in a Health Informatics Graduate program in the School of Health Information Science.
  • Students may reapply each year they are in the program.

Application Procedure

Application forms must be submitted to the school by June 30th. Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Science.

Application form

Denis and Pat Protti Endowment Fund: Student Academic Travel Award


To support and enrich senior undergraduate students and graduate students in the School of Health Information Science.


June 30th


The funds may be used for travel expenses for either of the following:

  • For a short-term study at another organization or institution
  • To attend a scientific conference; preference will be given to a student who has had a poster or a paper accepted

In either case, the student will be expected to submit a written report for the school archives about their experience at the conference and deliver a seminar within a month of returning. 

Application form

Health Information Science Accessibility Award

Goal & Eligibility

This award will be made periodically to students in the School of Health Information Science whose ability to complete coursework or to participate effectively in the co-operative education work terms is compromised by some limitation. The objective of this award is to promote educational equity and accessibility for students with disabilities.
  • With due consideration of the effects of the limitation, students will be considered for the award on the basis of academic excellence
  • Purchases will remain the property of the student at the conclusion of the program

Application Procedure

Students must apply in writing to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

MEDINFO Travel Award


MEDINFO Conferences are held every two years. To receive the award, the applicant must:

  • Be a fully-admitted student in the School of Health Information Science
  • Have a paper accepted at a MEDINFO Conference
  • Apply for the award after receiving notification of acceptance of the paper

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

Michael Miller Scholarship


To support students with high academic achievement and to increase awareness about mental illness. 


Graduate students of the School of Health Information Science or undergraduate students entering their third or fourth year in the program.


June 30th

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at 

Such applications should include:

  • Application form
  • Confirmation of registration as a student in the School of Health Information Science.
  • A statement of academic performance.
  • An original essay on the topic of manic depression (bipolar disorder) not to exceed 2500 words, which must be submitted electronically. The essay should include an introduction/background section with reference to the literature on bipolar disorder. The body of the essay should discuss ways in which awareness of the disorder can be increased, including consideration of how health information science and applications are (or might be) applied to helping those with the disorder and making others more aware of the disorder. You should support your arguments and thoughts by citing appropriate literature.

Paulette Lacroix Nursing Informatics Leadership Scholarship

Goal and Eligibility

One or more scholarships, of at least $1,000 each, are awarded to academically outstanding graduate students in Health Information Science or the double degree School of Health Information Science/School of Nursing program who are licensed registered nurses and have demonstrated leadership potential or leadership experience in healthcare nursing practice or administration.

To learn more about Paulette Lacroix, click here.


June 30th

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of the Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca

Such applications should include:

  • Application form
  • A one page statement of intent (maximum 500 words) summarizing your view of Nursing Leadership in the field of Health Informatics
  • A brief CV or employment resume

Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Award in Health Information Science

Goal and Eligibility

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Health Information Science, with preference to students who have demonstrated financial need.


May 31st   

Application Procedure

Graduate student applications must be submitted to the School of Health Information Science via email to his@uvic.ca.

Application Form