
Certificate Insights

 Insights from Industry Leaders

  • Digital Health Canada Fellow, Shelagh Maloney - 
  • Ontario Health Digital Services, Director of Standards, Sue Schneider - 
  • Canada Health Infoway, Former Director of Interoperable Standards, Andrea MacLean - 
  • Director, Architecture & Standards at eHealth Centre of Excellence, Russ Buchanan - 

Short articles about the Certificate program:

  • Growing need for health terminology standards in Canada –DHC blog page 
  • Design Matters. Sex and Gender Terminology Concepts –CHIMA Connection Jan 2020 - 
  • Terminology Standards for Sex and Gender in EHR -CHIMA Connection Jan 2020 - 
  • Capturing social determinants of health-related activities in EHR -CHIMA Connection Apr 2020 - 
  • Modernizing Sex and Gender Information Practices in Electronic Health Record Systems in Canada - Canada Health Infoway May 2020 -