
Getting a great start

UVic Orientation

It’s important to start your university life off right! Here are several programs to help you put your best foot forward.

Phoenix meet & greet

The Theatre Course Union that represents all students in the Department of Theatre hosts a welcome event with first year students each September before classes begin. The Meet and Great is organized by TCU student representatives and includes other senior students, treats and welcome activities. Watch for an email invitation in August from the Department of Theatre on their behalf.

The TCU also organizes a “buddy” program. New students will be paired with a senior student – often in your area of interest – to be a reference for questions, bring to events and help ease first year students into Phoenix life. Later into the fall, students can partipate in the TCU "Gotcha!" game. It's a great way to get to know everyone in the department.

UVic orientation

The 番茄社区 organizes many orientation and welcome events at the beginning of September each year. There are events, activities, tours, information sessions and more to help new students, international students, indigenous students, transfer students and everyone who is transitioning to a new life at UVic. There are even activities for parents. Check out the assortment of activities during UVic’s Orientation.

UVSS campus kick off

The UVic's Students Society (UVSS) hosts several days of fun events at their including a free pancake breakfast, out door movie, farmers market, concerts and dance party.