

THEA 101A Introduction to Western Theatre I
THEA 101B Introduction to Western Theatre II
THEA 102 Theatre Appreciation from Page to Stage
THEA 103 Current Performance Practices (COM/INC)
THEA 104 Theatre Concepts
THEA 122 The Acting Experience
THEA 132A Exploring Theatre Through Dramatic Process I
THEA 132B Exploring Theatre Through Dramatic Process II
THEA 150 Public Speaking
THEA 235A Theatre for Community Building
THEA 235B Drama in Education
THEA 236 Theatre History II
THEA 246 Theatre History III
THEA 368 History of Fashion and Body Modification
THEA 414 Studies in Canadian Theatre

The following Theatre courses may be open to non-majors in Theatre if they have the pre-requisites (or equivalent background) AND if space is available. Please contact the Theatre Department.

THEA 309A History of Opera to the Late Nineteenth Century
THEA 309B  Modern Opera 
THEA 310 Seminar in Theatre History: I
THEA 311 Seminar in Theatre History: II
THEA 314 Studies in Theatre in the Ancient World
THEA 315 Studies in Medieval Theatre
THEA 316 Studies in Theatre of the Enlightenment
THEA 317 Studies in 19th Century Theatre
THEA 318 Studies in Contemporary Theatre
THEA 319 Studies in Renaissance Theatre
THEA 335A Theatre in Education
THEA 335B Socially Engaged Theatre
THEA 337 History of the Broadway Musical
THEA 338 The Broadway Producer
THEA 339 Performances in Popular Culture
THEA 347 Theatre History IV
THEA 410 Seminar in Theatre History III
THEA 411 Seminar in Theatre History IV
THEA 435 Advanced Practices in Applied Theatre