
Theatre minor

Hot L Baltimore 2024. Photo by Dean Kalyan
Our 2024 mainstage production of "The Hot L Baltimore" (photo: Dean Kalyan)

Continue developing your love of theatre by adding a Minor in Theatre to your degree. A minor in Theatre can help students improve their confidence in public speaking, develop many practical transferable skills, gain organizational and project management experience, compliment their other design or art programs, prepare for teaching careers and much more.

The Theatre minor is comprised of 15 units of courses. To qualify, a student must achieve a minimum of 6 lower-level units of Theatre and 9 upper-level units. The widest array of courses is available by virtue of the fact there are no required courses within the Minor. In addition, many courses offered require no prerequisites.

Theatre minor course options

These Theatre course options are for students enrolled in the minor program. Please note that some courses are not all offered each year and others have prerequisites and/or departmental permission is required. Check course descriptions and the class schedule for any restrictions before registering.

6 units from: 

Permission of department required (unless have prerequisites):

9 units from below (all courses 1.5 units):

Permission of department required (unless have prerequisites):

To request departmental permission, contact the instructor by email first using the UVic Directory. If the instructor’s name is not listed on the schedule, or you need any additional registration assistance, email the Departmental Secretary, Connie te Kampe: . Be sure to include your full name and student number.


  • In general departmental permission is readily available for Theatre history topics and commonly granted for applied theatre and directing topics when space allows.
  • Permission to register in production and design topics is on a case-by-case basis and must be negotiated with the instructor directly.
  • THEA 105, 120A/B, 205 and 200-level and higher “performance focus area” courses are not open to non-Majors.

Theatre minor for education post-degree professional program

Interested in making Theatre one of your teachable subjects for your application to the UVic Education Faculty's Post-Degree Professional Program? Courses needed for the PDPP program can be used towards a minor in Theatre. Go to Secondary Post-Degree Professional Program (PDPP) page and find Teachable subject areas to obtain the theatre self-assessment form.