
Hiring resources

UVic is committed to the practices of equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of employment. These resources will help you remove barriers from your search processes and support fair, equitable hiring.

for the online equity training provided for Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (ARPT) and Search committees. More details are on the VPAC Training Resources site.

Guides & activities

  • Search committee self-start guide. Initial steps for a committee to take, independently, to address equity at the start of a search (PDF)
  • Dialogue—search committee deliberations about criteria. Annotated dialogue showing problematic and helpful approaches to using criteria in a search committee (PDF)
  • Activity: Bias in a faculty job ad + tips for avoiding bias (PDF)
  • Activity: Bias in a letter of reference + tips for avoiding bias (PDF)
  • Diagram for recording bias reduction throughout a search (PDF)
  • Template for search criteria. Examples of how to develop criteria and use throughout a search ( PDF)
  • Using the concept of "fit" in a search. Tips on how to think about good and bad fit, and steps to construct an inclusive definition of "fit" (PDF)

Information sheets

  • Accommodation and universal design suggestions (PDF)
  • Diagrams of the hiring process. 4 visuals showing different responsibilities at different stages (PDF)
  • Key equity practices at different stages of a search. Key equity steps in a search (PDF)
  • Creating a welcoming site visit for Indigenous candidates. 9 tips for creating a welcoming site visit and interview process (PDF)
  • Guidelines for search committees. Suggested guidelines for the start of the process (PDF)
  • Cognitive errors. Common cognitive errors during searches and their impacts (PDF)
  • Fairness in internal hiring processes. Key considerations for fair internal processes (PDF)
  • Gender bias in the sciences. Collection of research on different aspects of gender bias in the sciences (PDF)

Equity in reviewing research

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
  • Bornmann, L., Daniel, H. Scientometrics 63, 297–320 (2005).
  • Journal of Informetrics, 17(1), 2013.
  • Committee on Information Technology, 2018.
  • Math papers.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
  • Canada Research Chairs.
  • Saxena, R. 2016. Ars Technica.
  • Nature, 2016.

Workshop powerpoint presentations

External resources

- Appendix 2: Creating and working well with diverse committees
- Appendix 3: Sample guidelines for search committees
- Appendix 4: Checklist for key equity practices throughout the recruitment process
- Appendix 5: Sample criteria supporting diversity
- Appendixes 6-8 on the CRC process, assessing the impact of leaves and of diverse work
- Appendix 10: Diverse sources for advertising

  • Recognizing excellence in community engaged scholarship 2017 (PDF)
  • Fact Sheet on Access, Records Management, and Privacy Guidelines for Senior Administrative Search Committees

Guidance on Diversity Statements

  • In The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 29, 2019
  • UCLA:
  • UCLA:

EQHR webpage on unconscious bias