
Student testimonials for leadership studies

Here's what students in Leadership Studies—exceptional people, practitioners, and global citizens—say about the program.

Glynis Dawson, MEd (South Island School Cohort)

I am absolutely bowled over by the connections you have facilitated through the design and execution of the SISC courses and content. From systems organization and study of notable scholars, through educational and leadership philosophy and change knowledge to instructional supervision approaches, everything is related interdependently to give us the exposure, concepts and resources to foster our own investigations.

Gail Nestel, MEd

"As a student in Leadership Studies with a developing specialty in Multicultural / Anti-Oppression Studies and Peace Pedagogy, I have found the program most valuable. The opportunity to take electives from outside the department supports and augments what is studied from within Leadership in Education; and results in a well rounded, self directed, and evolving process. As a student with a disability, I found my Graduate Advisors to not only be aware of the rights to access and dignity in education and in infrastructure, but ready and willing to implement such accommodations. They recognize that one size does not fit all when it comes to human differences and are very welcoming to a variety of academic ideas, work and life experiences."

Jeremy Quast, MEd

"Thanks so much for a challenging and unique program. I am a much better person for having been through it, and I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication towards the improvement of society with respect to leaders/leadership."

Craig Cantlie, MEd

"My experience in grad studies at UVic has been brilliant. I found the program to be challenging, interesting, flexible and really worthwhile. When I first began my graduate advisor was excellent at helping me sort out a program plan that met my interests, goals and worked around the reality that was the rest of my life. Along with that I was able to undertake courses that interested me through the regular course offerings and direct study options. Finally, throughout my studies the professors always made time for discussions via telephone, email or face-to-face which I felt really personalized my education whether I was on the campus or not. I would strongly recommend UVic to anyone interested in undertaking a graduate studies program as UVic offers a strong reputation, knowledgeable and open faculty and an interesting and inspiring learning experience."

Corrina Craig, MEd

"I completed the M.Ed degree in Leadership Studies in the fall of 2007 and the program was such a positive experience for me. As a practitioner, I wasn't sure how the program would translate to the 'real world' of day-to-day work, but everything I learned was relevant to my work and put to use. I feel better able to analyse my work and do the best practices research necessary to provide innovative programming and leadership to my community. The professors were wonderful and the courses were simply amazing. The quality of instruction and support I received was fabulous. I would highly recommend this program for any community workers who may want to pursue a graduate degree but who may be questioning whether such a degree may be relevant to their day to day work. This program worked for me and I know that this program will allow me to provide the best I can for my community."

Patricia Brown, MEd

"I am a recent graduate of the Masters Leadership Studies program at UVic. This program was amazing! The high level of discussion, the social interaction with peers and the knowledgeable and approachable professors all made it a unique and worthwhile experience. We were told that this program would change our lives and it has. So many opportunities have opened up for me and I am so confident now in what I value in the workplace and my own leadership style. I was sad that it had to come to an end!"

Duane Lecky, MA

"I recommend the program. The content in Leadership Studies was more interesting than I expected. The support I received from faculty and staff allowed me to pursue my research interests for my thesis while continuing to work full time."

Catherine Etmanski, PhD

"Stimulating classroom discussions grounded in theory and practice, excellent mentorship, and a supportive graduate student community. I gained many rewards from working hard, getting involved in AGES and the GS, and opening my heart and mind to learning on many different levels."

Catherine is passionate about organizing inclusive events to create a better world. She is founder of the Social Justice Film and Speaker Series, and co-founder of the Victoria Make Poverty History Coalition. She has been a key volunteer with the Victoria Days of Peace, UVic's Office of International Affairs, the Association of Graduate Education Students, and the Graduate Student Society.

Ryan Massey, MEd

"Just wanted to let you know that I got hired as VP at Don Ross Junior Secondary School in Squamish this June. The perspective, knowledge and understanding I've gained during this past year made an impression at the interview and helped me get the job. An informal thanks to the program at UVic."

What can you do with your degree?

Wondering what you can do with a degree in leadership studies? See what our alumni are up to!