
Program delivery

This is an on-campus program.

Our program is context driven, and therefore flexible and dynamic to the changes in Canada and the world. It features a high level of in-class group discussion, seminar style teaching and experiential learning activities, and social interaction with peers and other knowledgeable community or school leaders and educators. Courses are scheduled during the day, evenings, and at weekends. Although most of the program is delivered face-to-face, some courses are online including the final MEd Project course.

Our program has higher English language proficiency requirements than the Faculty of Graduate Studies, due to the seminar-style, intensive discursive nature of the classes. International applicants must submit English language proficiency results within two weeks of applying.

Program options

We offer programs leading to the Master of Education (MEd) and the Master of Arts (MA) in Leadership Studies. These degrees are intended for students with diverse backgrounds who have earned undergraduate degrees and have worked as educators, practitioners, leaders, mentors and so forth in educational institutions or in other agencies and sites. The aim of the program is to broaden understandings of contemporary theories and practices of leadership, education and learning within the context of the issues that affect our schools, communities, workplaces and society. Student candidates will choose their specific degree, MEd or MA, before entering the program.

This degree option consists of 15.0 units of course work, which includes a 6.0-unit thesis and oral exam.

MA program requirements

Refer to the Academic Calendar for the official list of Leadership Studies MA program requirements

Example MA program plan

As an MA student in Leadership Studies, you will follow this program plan along with your cohort. Please note that special topics courses and electives are subject to change and not all electives are offered each term. 

Term and description Courses

September-December of year 1

Choose two of the following core electives:

ED-D 533D Critical theories of leadership (1.5 units)

ED-D 538A Critical theories and practices of adult education and learning (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Graduate Seminar (1.5 units)

ED-D 531 Concepts and theories of organization (1.5 units)

January-April of year 1

Choose two of the following core electives: 

ED-D 540 Gender, leadership and learning (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership:  Knowledge democracy and community base research (1.5 units)

ED-D 533A Politics and policies in organizations (1.5 units)

ED-D 535 Global comparative perspectives on leadership and education (1.5 units)

ED-D 538B Cultural leadership and social learning through the arts

May-July of year 1

Choose one of the following core electives: 

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Narrative explorations of leadership and inquiry  (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Anti-oppressive practice and activism (1.5 units)

ED-D 539A Leadership, learning and social justice (1.5 units)

ED-D 536 Philosophy of Leadership (1.5 units)

ED-D 537A Educational Change (1.5 units)

September-December of year 2

Required course:

ED-D 563 Qualitative Research Methods (1.5 units)

January-April of year 2

Required course: 

 ED-D 599 MA thesis (6.0 units)

*MA students may select specific elective courses.

The MEd program consists of 15.0 units of course work, which includes a 3.0-unit major project, followed by a written comprehensive examination of 1.5 units. Visit the  for up-to-date information and course descriptions. Students in the Leadership Studies MEd program are scheduled to complete their program over the course of 5 terms of full-time study.

MEd program requirements

Refer to the Academic Calendar for the official list of Leadership Studies MEd program requirements

Example MEd program plan

As an MEd student in Leadership Studies, you will follow this program plan along with your cohort. Please note that special topics courses and electives are subject to change and not all electives are offered each term. 

Term and description Courses 

September-December of year 1

Choose two of the following core electives:

ED-D 533D Critical theories of leadership (1.5 units)

ED-D 538A Critical theories and practices of adult education and learning (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Graduate Seminar (1.5 units)

ED-D 531 Concepts and theories of organization (1.5 units)

January-April of year 1

Choose two of the following core electives: 

ED-D 540 Gender, leadership and learning (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership:  Knowledge democracy and community base research (1.5 units)

ED-D 533A Politics and policies in organizations (1.5 units)

ED-D 535 Global comparative perspectives on leadership and education (1.5 units)

ED-D 538B Cultural leadership and social learning through the arts

May-July of year 1

Choose two of the following core electives: 

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Narrative explorations of leadership and inquiry  (1.5 units)

ED-D 591E Special Topics in Leadership: Anti-oppressive practice and activism (1.5 units)

ED-D 539A Leadership, learning and social justice (1.5 units)

ED-D 536 Philosophy of Leadership (1.5 units)

ED-D 537A Educational Change (1.5 units)

September-December of year 2

Required course:

ED-D 561B: Research Methods Leadership (1.5 units)

January-April of year 2

Required courses (must take both): 

ED-D 598: Project (3.0 units)

ED-D 597: Comprehensive Examination (1.5 units)