
Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

Student climbing the wall in UVic's CARSA gym

Undergraduate studies

Whether you want to study recreation, exercise science or physical education, our programs will prepare you to make a difference in people lives and build a healthy, active society.

Undergraduate studies
Carson Sage on a bicycle fitted with a cart

Co-operative education

Carson Sage's co-op at Beckley Farm Lodge as an undergraduate student inspired him to start a Victoria chapter of Cycling with Age.

Co-op education
Person running on a treadmill for a research experiment

Career options

Getting involved in co-op or participating in research is a great way to prepare for a good paying career or professional degree in medicine, occupational therapy or physical therapy after you graduate.

Career options
Anthony Pluta using an EEG device on a baseball player

Graduate studies

Our graduate students are doing cutting edge research, like Anthony Pluta's work on whether EEG technology can help predict performance in baseball.

Graduate studies
Lynneth Stuart-Hill at a North Saanich firehall

Our people

Faculty like Lynneth Stuart-Hill are making an impact everyday with their research, whether it’s occupational physiology for first responders, recreation management or social influences on physical activity levels.

Our people


Healthy people. Healthy places. Healthy society.

Are you passionate about recreation, wellness and health? Interested in exercise science or teaching physical education? Do you want to improve your professional coaching skills?

The School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education is all about movement and the key role it plays in our lives and in a healthy, active society. We focus on the interdisciplinary study of human movement blending theory with active, dynamic learning—in the lab, through co-op and practicum, and in the field.

Find your edge in UVic's School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education