
Scholarships and financial aid

In recognition of outstanding students, UVic awards more than 5 million dollars in Entrance and In-Course Scholarships each year. Scholarships are non-repayable and are awarded to students on the basis of academic merit or excellence.

Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA)

JCURA was started in 2009-10 as the Undergraduate Research Scholarship program by the Vice-President Academic and Provost. The program, designed to provide support for exceptional undergraduate students who might otherwise not be able to have direct research experience, is administered by the Learning and Teaching Centre on behalf of the Provost's Office. Eligible students include all full-time third and fourth-year undergraduate students in excellent academic standing. Award winners complete a research project under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor. Successful student applicants receive $1,500 credited directly to their UVic account. JCURA details and how to apply.

Student conference awards

Undergraduate and master's students may be awarded up to $150 by the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education to support conference presentations and attendance. PhD students may be awarded up to $250.

Examples of eligible events:

  • BC Recreation and Parks Association Conference (attendance by BCRPA award recipient)
  • Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Conference (attendance by CSEP award recipient)
  • Physical and Health Education Canada Student Leadership Conference (attendance by PHE Award recipient)
  • Quality Daily PE Provincial Conference


  • You can be awarded as follows: once $150 as an undergrad; once $250 as s master's student; twice $250 as a PhD student.
  • You must be the first author on a paper or poster presentation related to your research or be attending a conference as an award recipient.
  • You must be a registered UVic student at the time of acceptance of your conference presentation.
  • Your Honours supervisor or program coordinator for undergrad students, or the graduate adviser for grad students, must approve and support your application.
  • A preliminary abstract and proof of acceptance of your abstract must be submitted with your application.
  • Award recipients may be asked to present their papers or posters to fellow students.

How to apply:

  1. Complete the application form (PDF).
  2. Get the support of the Honours supervisor, program coordinator, or grad adviser.
  3. Attach a copy of your abstract and confirmation of acceptance from the conference organizers.
  4. Submit the signed form to the EPHE Office, McKinnon Room 120, to the attention of the Administrative Officer (you will be notified of the result by email).

Other travel grants

For details, deadlines and application forms: